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Appreciation Event For Foreign Worker Ambassadors And Safety And Security Watch Group (SSWG) Ground Deployment Exercise

Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) held an appreciation event for foreign worker ambassadors, and a Safety and Security Watch Group (SSWG) ground deployment exercise, on 17 October 2015 at Acacia Lodge located in Bukit Batok. Miss Rahayu Mahzam, Advisor to Bukit Batok East (BBE) GROs graced the event as the Guest of Honour, together with Commander of Jurong Division, Assistant Commissioner of Police (AC) Wilson Lim.

Bukit Batok NPC has worked with Acacia Lodge to recruit and train 30 foreign worker ambassadors. These foreign worker ambassadors serve as a role model to other foreign worker residents. Over the past year, these foreign worker ambassadors have participated in crime prevention road shows and joined BBE Spring View Resident Committee Citizens on Patrol (COP) team and the Acacia Lodge security team on their rounds. They regularly provide crime prevention advice to their their dormitory mates, report any criminal activity, and mediate disputes among other workers. They also advise their fellow foreign workers not to litter, keep their volume down and adhere to the law. This community partnership has reduced complaints on social dis-amenities caused by foreign worker congregations in Bukit Batok.

This relationship is further strengthened through the frequent exchanges between the community and the foreign worker residents of Acacia Lodge. The Resident Committees (RCs) regularly invite these foreign worker ambassadors to community events such as Halloween Night and Mid-Autumn Festival. In return, the foreign worker ambassadors also host RC members to regular visits to Acacia Lodge. During the appreciation event, food hampers were given to these foreign worker ambassadors in recognition of their contributions over the past year.

A Safety and Security Watch Group (SSWG) ground deployment exercise was also conducted during the event. The exercise tested the operational readiness of Acacia Lodge's security team and Jurong Division's resources in responding to a public order contingency.

Bukit Batok NPC values the strong working relationship with Acacia Lodge and will continue to work closely with the management team and the foreign worker ambassadors to educate the foreign workers on crime prevention and build mutual trust and understanding between the foreign workers and the community.

Miss Rahayu Mahzam and AC Wilson Lim presenting gift hampers to the foreign worker ambassadors in recognition of their contributions.

Ms Rahayu Mahzam and AC Wilson Lim jointly mounting a photograph of the foreign worker ambassadors participating in the BBE Spring View RC's Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations.

Bukit Batok NPC Community Policing Unit (CPU) officers sharing crime prevention advisories with the foreign workers during the event

Jurong Division Division Tactical Team (DTT) officers placing the offending persons, played by Bukit Batok NPC officers, under arrest. 

Group Photo upon conclusion of the Ground Deployment Exercise

18 October 2015 @ 8:00 PM
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