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Close to 200 participants from the Manufacturing Industry attended the Safety & Security Watch Group (SSWG) counter-terrorism seminar held at Matrix@Biopolis on Thursday, 23 February 2017. Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry), Mr S Iswaran, was the Guest-of-Honour at the event.


This is the eighth in a series of counter-terrorism seminars organised by the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) for various industries under the ambit of SGSecure. The seminars aim to raise awareness, sensitise, train and mobilise the different industry professionals to guard against terrorist threats, and provide an opportunity for them to network and share industry best practices. The inaugural seminar was held for the Retail Industry on 18 July 2016.


Role of the manufacturing industry in a terror attack


This seminar was organized for the manufacturing industry which is a cornerstone of Singapore’s business ecosystem and supports many of our livelihoods. As any terror attack on this industry has the potential to disrupt our economy and way of life, businesses must therefore be committed to prepare to deal with such a crisis and recover quickly.


During the seminar, participants were informed on how to remain vigilant, detect threats, and look out for tell-tale indicators for suspicious persons and vehicles. This is timely amidst the change in tactics adopted by terror groups, such as the vehicle attack in Jerusalem in January 2017 and a knife attack in Paris in February 2017.


Participants were also updated on the security situation by speakers from the Home Team. They were also trained on what they could do to enhance the safety and security of their premises, and critical emergency response skills to better manage and handle security-related situations.


Support from our manufacturing industry members   


Members from the SSWG have been pro-active in adopting robust measures towards their premises safety and security through timely review of contingency plans and validation of these plans through regular exercises.


One example is the Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF), who has been working closely with the SPF and the SCDF in shoring up their members’ support in raising awareness and stepping up emergency response measures in the event of a terror attack.


As the champion and voice of the manufacturing sector, the Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) advocates the importance of upholding our nation’s peace and stability to safeguard the wellbeing of our family, our members and the wider manufacturing community. Partnering with the Home Team to support SGSecure, SMF will continue to be vigilant and achieve greater corporate resilience. We cannot afford to be complacent and take the threat of any terrorism lightly.”


-         Mr Tay Jih-Hsin, Chairman of the Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Function Committee, Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF)




Guest-of-Honour, Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry), Mr S Iswaran, delivering his speech at the event




Sharing by Safety & Security Watch Group member, Mr Kwong Kok Chan, Deputy General Manager of PacificLight Power Pte Ltd. He oversees physical security management at PacificLight Power Station




Assistant Commissioner of Police Gerald Lim, Commander Clementi Division, presenting the Appreciation Plaque to Mr Kwong Kok Chan

23 February 2017 @ 3:50 PM
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