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Security Officers to Require Additional Training to “Recognise Terrorist Threats” from 1 January 2020

Security officers have traditionally played an important role in helping to secure properties such as homes and commercial premises, and generally deter crime in Singapore. Given the rising threat of terrorism, there is a need to further raise their skills and competencies. Attacks overseas have shown that well-trained security officers are able to detect and deter terrorist attacks.


Currently, all security officers must obtain two Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) basic licensing units.[1]  From 1 Jan 2020, security officers will be required to obtain a third basic licensing unit, known as “Recognise Terrorist Threats” (RTT). RTT is a two-day WSQ course which will train security officers on awareness of terrorist threats, as well as observation skills to recognise person-borne, vehicle-borne, and object-based threats.


The requirement is to complete RTT training by 1 Jan 2020.  We anticipate that about 80% of all active security officers today will achieve it.[2] Those who do not complete RTT training by 1 Jan 2020 will still be able to retain their licences, but can only be deployed at warehouses and condominiums until they complete their RTT training. SPF will consider subsequently extending the RTT training requirement to all security officers.


The new licensing requirement will improve the skills and hence also the wages of security officers. It was developed in consultation with the Security Tripartite Cluster (STC), which oversees the Progressive Wage Model for the Security Sector.

[1] The two WSQ basic licensing units are “Provide Guard and Patrol Services” and “Handle Security Incidents and Services”.

[2] Security officers who have completed the earlier WSQ in “Handle Counter Terrorism Activities” will be deemed to have met the RTT requirement.

19 October 2017 @ 9:00 AM
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