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Bedok Police Division Domestic Guardian Watchgroup 2019 

Bedok Police Division held their Domestic Guardian Watchgroup 2019 at Lifelong Learning Institute on 10 November 2019. This is the fifth run of the sharing session that equips foreign domestic workers (FDWs) with the necessary knowledge and skills to co-create a safe and secure environment. A total of 320 participants attended the event.

Ensuring the safety of our community has always been a top priority for the Singapore Police Force (SPF). This year, the SPF worked closely with government agencies such as the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and National Environment Agency (NEA), and non-government organisations (NGOs) including the Foreign Domestic Worker Association (FAST) and the Centre for Domestic Employees (CDE) to create this session for the FDWs community.

The participants were briefed on crime prevention practices against common crimes such as housebreaking, trespass and scams. They were also advised against borrowing from unlicensed moneylenders. Real life case studies involving domestic workers were shared, including a few first-hand accounts by the participants.

MOM provided the participants with important information on working and living in Singapore, while the NEA briefed about dengue prevention. SCDF conducted basic CPR-AED training for participants and they were also encouraged to register as Community First Responders via the myResponder App. The CDE shared with the participants on the helplines available to them. 

Participants were enrolled into the NPC’s Crime Alert System, which enables them to receive crime trends and alerts. Equipped with updated crime information in the neighbourhood, they can assist the Police and the community by looking out for suspicious characters in their neighbourhoods. They can also play an important role in spreading messages on crime prevention tips to their fellow workers and friends, helping Singapore fight against crimes; and fostering a safer and secure environment to live in. 

The SPF would like to thank our partners from the various agencies and NGOs in making this a meaningful event for our FDWs community.


Foreign domestic workers participating in the Bedok Police Division’s fifth run of the Domestic Guardian Watchgroup


Domestic Guardian Watchgroup participants being briefed on

crime prevention practices

Watchgroup participants
SCDF conducting basic CPR training for Domestic Guardian

10 November 2019 @ 12:00 PM
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