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The Riders-on-Watch (ROW) scheme marks its first year since it was launched by the Public Transport Security Command (TransCom) on 2 July 2019.

Till date, more than 48,000 people have volunteered to be a part of Police’s crime fighting effort, acting as our ‘Eyes and Ears’ during their commute on the public transport nodes. As a ROW volunteer, they will be updated on the latest crime information happening at the public transport nodes via SMS and they are encouraged to share the information with their family and friends, thus creating a more informed and safe community.

TransCom continues to keep the public transport network safe through public education and engagement. Since late August 2020, TransCom has started rolling out a new set of campaign visuals that will be put up at public transport nodes island wide over the coming months. Refer to Annex A for the campaign posters.

TransCom has been working closely with both the SMRT Corporation and SBS Transit. As part of the joint efforts in deterring crime from happening at public transport nodes, SMRT Corporation and SBS Transit have graciously provided free media spaces for TransCom to put up the campaign visuals.

Mr Cheng Siak Kian, SBS Transit Acting Chief Executive Officer, said: “The safety and security of our passengers has always been a top priority for us. We deploy staff to patrol the trains, stations and bus interchanges, and have CCTVs installed throughout our premises to keep a watching eye on things. The Riders-on-Watch scheme launched by the Police is a great initiative and an extension of the efforts to keep our public transport network safe. We are certainly delighted to support it.”

Mr Neo Kian Hong, Group Chief Executive Officer, SMRT Corporation, said: “SMRT is fully supportive of the Riders-On-Watch scheme to keep our transport system and people safe. Commuters play an important role in complementing the efforts of the Police and public transport operators, as they form a critical network that can be an effective deterrent to the common crimes that take place in public transport. All of us can do our part to maintain a high level of safety and security throughout the public transport network.”

Commander of TransCom, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police Fanny Koh said: “It is encouraging to know that the commuters are supportive of the Riders-On-Watch scheme and volunteer as our ‘Eyes & Ears’ in our fight against crime. With the new ROW deterrence visuals on our public transport, we hope that more members of the public like Nicholas Lee and Valerie Lee will join us, to keep the public transport network safe and secure as we commute.”

04 September 2020 @ 2:15 PM
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