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Singapore Management University Exercised Response Plans With Home Team Agencies In A Simulated Terror Attack For Exercise Heartbeat

A counter-terrorism exercise codenamed Exercise Heartbeat was held at the Singapore Management University (SMU) Connexion building on 28 January 2022. The Singapore Police Force (SPF), the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and SMU jointly organised the exercise, which involved a simulated terror attack on campus grounds.

The SPF regularly conducts such exercises to enable stakeholders to test their internal contingency protocols and allow SPF and SCDF to develop familiarity with the terrain and improve coordination with our stakeholders. In spite of the COVID-19 situation, SPF and SCDF have not stopped working with the stakeholders to conduct such exercises with safe management measures in place.

In preparation for the exercise, SMU staff and students were trained on the SGSecure “Run, Hide, Tell” protocol and the “Press, Tie, Tell” Improvised First Aid Skills. SMU also tested its campus-wide SMS broadcast alert system, which would be activated in the event of a security-related incident to alert the campus community.

Exercise Heartbeat provided SMU with the opportunity to validate its contingency protocols and enhance its response plans to deter, detect, delay, deny and deal with a terror attack scenario on campus. It is important for stakeholders and building owners to constantly review their security measures and enhance their emergency preparedness against terror attacks. This includes regularly updating contingency plans, as well as training and testing staff and tenants to be familiar with such plans. As the impact of a terror attack extends beyond the point of attack, doing these would help save lives, prevent catastrophic outcomes, and help the stakeholder bounce back quickly from the crisis.

Exercise Heartbeat is one of the ways the Home Team partners with the community to enhance community preparedness in dealing with a terror attack. Stakeholders are encouraged to regularly update their plans. For more information, please refer to the resources listed below:



An attacker armed with a knife causes mayhem in the simulated storyline of Exercise Heartbeat




SPF officers responding to neutralise the armed attacker during Exercise Heartbeat



SCDF responders conducting rescue and evacuation of the casualties during Exercise Heartbeat


08 February 2022 @ 11:50 AM
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