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  • I-Witness

Police Advisory On Spoofed Calls Involving Fake Letters From Singapore Police Force

The Police would like to alert members of the public to a recurring trend where scammers would approach victims via spoofed calls. These calls would often contain the “+65” prefix, suggesting that these calls originate overseas.

In these cases, the victims would receive unsolicited phone calls from callers who would claim to be a bank staff. The victims would be informed that their bank accounts had been misused and they were under investigations for money laundering cases. Under the pretext of verifying the victims’ bank accounts, the caller would request for victims’ bank account login details and One-Time Password (OTP). Thereafter, the caller would transfer the call to someone purportedly from the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD), to facilitate the lodging of police reports. The fake officer from CAD would subsequently communicate with the victims via WhatsApp. He would ask the victims for their personal particulars, including photographs of the victims and their identification documents claiming, that such information was required to lodge the police report. In some cases, the victims would receive an image of a letter purportedly from the Singapore Police Force (SPF), notifying the victims that they were under investigation. The victims would only realise that they have been scammed when they received notifications from the banks, informing them that their contact details had been changed and unauthorised transactions were made from their bank accounts.

The Police would like to emphasise that no local government agency will demand for your personal details, such as NRIC and photograph, through an undocumented medium like a telephone call or other social messaging platforms.

Members of public are advised to take the following precautions when they receive unsolicited calls to surrender banking credentials or personal details to facilitate criminal investigations:

  1. Ignore such calls and the caller’s instructions. The ‘+’ sign prefix indicates that it is an international incoming call. Domestic calls will not display the ‘+’ sign prefix;

  2. Never disclose your personal particulars, bank login details and OTP to anyone, including family and friends;

  3. Call a trusted friend or talk to a relative before you act. Do not be pressured by the caller to act impulsively; and

  4. Report any fraudulent activity in your bank account to your bank immediately.

If you have information related to such crimes, please call the Police Hotline at 1800-255-0000, or submit it online at If you require urgent Police assistance, please dial ‘999’.

For more information on scams, members of the public can visit or call the Anti-Scam Hotline at 1800-722-6688. Anyone with information on such scams may call the Police Hotline at 1800-255-0000 or submit information online at All information will be kept strictly confidential.




11 April 2022 @ 10:40 AM
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