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Dentist Jailed For Cheating And Forgery Offences In Relation To False Medisave Claims

On 28 August 2023, John Sun (“Sun”), previously known as Sng Wee Hock, a 50-year-old Singaporean man was sentenced to 37 months’ imprisonment for seven counts of cheating the Central Provident Fund Board (“CPFB”) into disbursing MediSave claims for dental surgical procedures that he never performed, and another seven counts of forgery for the purpose of cheating the Ministry of Health (“MOH”) during its MediSave audits. At the material time, John Sun was the director and practising dentist of WH Dental & Associates clinics.

Sun had earlier been convicted on the 14 counts on 27 April 2023 after a trial. The Court had found that Sun did not perform the dental procedures that he had declared in the MediSave claims for seven patients. The total CPFB disbursement for these seven false claims amounted to $11,750.

When MOH conducted an audit and requested documents to show that the procedures claimed had been performed, Sun submitted seven forged photos of radiographs (i.e. x-rays) to MOH. The alterations were meant to deceive MOH that the procedures had been performed when they had not, in order to prevent MOH from clawing back the wrongful disbursements.

The Police treat fraud against public institutions seriously and will not hesitate to take action against such offenders for any attempts to cheat public institutions. Offenders will be dealt with severely in accordance with the law.


28 August 2023 @ 5:10 PM
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