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To improve road safety, the Traffic Police (TP) will require lorries with a Maximum Laden Weight (MLW) of between 3,501kg and 12,000kg (inclusive) to be installed with speed limiters, which will ensure that these lorries do not go beyond the speed limit of 60km/h. 

This will be implemented in phases. Lorries in this category can begin installation from 1 January 2024.

Installation of Speed Limiters on Existing Lorries in Singapore

Based on consultations with the industry, TP recognises that some time is required to develop the speed limiters to comply with our local requirements, as well as to supply and install the speed limiters. Therefore, while installation will begin from 1 January 2024, lorries will be given two to three years to install and comply with the speed limiter requirement, as indicated in Table 1.

Table 1: Date from which Speed Limiter Requirement Applies
Category  MLW (kg) Date from which requirement applies

 Older models of lorries

(registered before 1 January 2018)

 5,001 - 12,000  1 January 2026
 3,501 - 5,001  1 July 2026

Newer models of lorries

(registered on or after 1 January 2018)

 5,001 - 12,000  1 January 2027
 3,501 - 5,000  1 July 2027

The speed limiters can only be installed by companies that are authorised by TP (“Authorised Agents”). All lorries will be subjected to a compliance check at the point of installation by an Authorised Agent, to ensure that the speed limiter installed is functioning properly. 

The list of authorised agents will be made available at SPF’s website from 1 January 2024 onwards. Lorry owners should approach an Authorised Agent early to arrange for the installation of a speed limiter. 

Authorised Agents

Companies that are keen to supply, install, rectify, or perform inspections on speed limiters will have to apply to be an Authorised Agent at by 30 November 2023. Companies that are already authorised by TP to install speed limiters for other goods vehicles would also need to apply. TP will issue authorisation certificates to successful applicants by 31 December 2023. 

Requirement for Newly-Imported Lorries

From 1 January 2026, newly imported lorries with MLW between 3,501kg and 12,000kg (inclusive) must be equipped with speed limiters in order to be approved for use in Singapore. The relevant documentation should be submitted to the Land Transport Authority (LTA) when seeking pre-registration approval, to show that the lorry is compliant with TP’s speed limiter requirements.

TP is also reviewing our laws to strengthen deterrence against speed-limiter offences such as tampering and non-compliant speed limiters, and against unauthorised speed limiter works. More details will be announced later.

Why do I need to install a Speed Limiter

The speed limiter regime aims to improve road safety and driving behaviour. It complements other measures intended to reduce fatalities and injuries among all road users. 

Under Singapore’s laws, it is mandatory for speed limiters to be installed in the following categories of vehicles:

  1. every goods vehicle having a MLW exceeding 12,000kg and which has, or if a speed limiter is not fitted to it would have, a maximum speed exceeding 60km/h; and

  2. every public service vehicle having a MLW exceeding 10,000kg and which has, or if a speed limiter is not fitted to it would have, a maximum speed exceeding 60km/h.

Currently, lorries with a MLW between 3,501kg and 12,000kg (inclusive) are not required by law to have any speed management devices, or speed limiters. The law to have speed limiters will be expanded to all lorries in this weight category progressively over 1 January 2026 to 1 July 2027.
Who needs to install a Speed Limiter

All lorries with a Maximum Laden Weight (MLW) of between 3,501kg and 12,000kg (inclusive). 
A speed limiter can only be fitted by an Authorised Agent (AA). An AA is one who undertakes any of the following services relating to speed limiters in Singapore – 

  1. Supply;
  2. Installation; 

  3. Rectification; or 

  4. Inspection of vehicles (fitted with an ECU-based speed limiter). 

Only TP can issue authorisation certificates and appoint AAs.

What is a Speed Limiter

Speed limiters limit the maximum speed of a vehicle. In Singapore, it is already a requirement for goods vehicles with MLW above 12,000kg to be fitted with speed limiters and for goods vehicles with MLW not exceeding 3,500kg to be fitted with Speed Warning Devices (SWD). An SWD alerts the driver that he/she has exceeded the speed limit imposed on the vehicle that he is driving. 

There are two types of speed limiters – mechanical and Electronic Control Unit (ECU)-based. The ECU-based speed limiter is a newer type of speed limiter. It is estimated to cost less than the mechanical speed limiter. Lorry owners are strongly encouraged to install an ECU-based speed limiter, and should check with AAs on whether their lorry is suitable for installing one. Should the lorry specifications not allow for the installation of such an ECU-based speed limiter, the lorry owner can opt to install a mechanical speed limiter instead.

When to install a Speed Limiter

You are encouraged to install a speed limiter at the earliest opportunity from 1 January 2024 onwards. The timeline is shown in the table below. 

Date   Subject Matter

30 November 2023

Deadline for companies to register with TP to be an AA

31 December 2023

TP appoints AAs and publish the list on SPF's website
1 January 2024

Installation of Speed limiter begins
Lorry owners are to engage the AAs to install speed limiters.

Lorry owners should engage the AAs early, as AAs may require time to supply the required speed limiter

1 January 2026

Newly imported lorries must be equipped with a speed limiter in order to be approved for use in Singapore

Existing lorries with MLW between 5,001kg - 12,000kg (inclusive), and registered in Singapore before 1 January 2018 must be fitted with a speed limiter

1 July 2026

Existing lorries with MLW between 3,501kg - 5,000kg (inclusive), and registered in Singapore before 1 January 2018 must be fitted with a speed limiter

1 January 2027

Existing lorries with MLW between 5,001kg - 12,000kg (inclusive), and registered in Singapore on or after 1 January 2018 must be fitted with a speed limiter

Where to install a Speed Limiter

Speed limiters can only be installed by AAs. A list of AAs will be provided on SPF’s website at from 1 January 2024 onwards. Lorry owners are advised to check with AAs on the workshops to go to for the installation.

How much is a Speed Limiter

Please consult any of the AAs to get a quotation, and for advice on installation. 


For more information on the Expansion of the Speed Limiter Regime, please visit the SPF’s website at


03 November 2023 @ 11:45 AM
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