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Four Persons To Be Charged For Unlawful Use Of An Unmanned Aircraft In A Protected Area

The Police will be charging four men, aged between 45 and 68, for allegedly operating an unmanned aircraft (“UA”) in a protected area, operating the UA without a Class 2 activity permit (“AP”) and failure to register the UA with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (“CAAS”) on 11 July 2024.

The details of the cases are as follows:

  1. On 9 March 2024 at about 8.50pm, a 56-year-old man was found operating a UA at The Promontory @ Marina Bay, a location designated as a protected area at that point in time.  He had allegedly taken aerial videos using the UA which was flown above Marina Bay at an altitude of about 1637 feet above mean sea level (“AMSL”) (about 499 metres) for more than 25 minutes. The man will be charged with an offence of prohibited photography over a protected area using a UA pursuant to Section 32(2) of the Air Navigation Act 1966 (“ANA”). The man will also be charged for operating the UA over a protected area under Section 33(2) of the ANA. For operating the UA at an altitude above 200 feet AMSL (60 metres), the man will be charged for failure to obtain a Class 2 AP to operate the UA pursuant to Regulation 8(1) of the Air Navigation (101 – Unmanned Aircraft Operations) Regulations 2019 (“ANR”).

  2. On 27 March 2024 at about 7.15pm, a 45-year-old man was found operating a UA at the vicinity of Marina Barrage, a location designated as a protected area. He had allegedly taken aerial photographs using the UA which was flown above Marina Barrage at an altitude of about 1535 feet AMSL (about 468 metres) for more than 15 minutes. The man will be charged with an offence of prohibited photography over a protected area using a UA under Section 32(2) of the ANA. The man will also be charged for operating the UA over a protected area pursuant to Section 33(2) of the ANA. For operating the UA at an altitude above 200 feet AMSL (60 metres), the man will be charged for failure to obtain a Class 2 AP to operate the UA pursuant to Regulation 8(1) of the ANR.

  3. On 23 June 2024 at about 9.20pm, a 51-year-old man was found operating a UA along Chin Swee Road, a location designated as a protected area. For operating the UA into the airspace at the vicinity of Chin Swee Road for about 10 minutes, the man will be charged for operating the UA over a protected area pursuant to Section 33(2) of the ANA.

  4. On 25 June 2024 at about 5.30pm, a 68-year-old man was found operating a UA at the vicinity of Marina Barrage, a location designated as a protected area. He had allegedly taken aerial view photographs and videos using the UA, which weighed about 565grams. He had allegedly flown the UA above Marina Barrage at an altitude of about 485 feet AMSL (about 148 metres) and about 354 feet AMSL (about 108 metres) for more than 10 minutes respectively. The man will be charged with the offence of prohibited photography over a protected area using a UA pursuant to Section 32(2) of the ANA. The man will also be charged for operating the UA over a protected area under Section 33(2) of the ANA. For operating the UA at an altitude above 200 feet AMSL (60 metres) on two occasions, the man will be charged for failure to obtain a Class 2 AP to operate the UA pursuant to Regulation 8(1) of the ANR. For operating the UA without registering the UA with CAAS, the man will be charged for failure to register a Registrable UA under Regulation 42(1) ANR.

The offence of prohibited photography over a protected area using a UA which is punishable under Section 32(2) of the ANA and the offence of operating a UA over a protected area which is punishable under Section 33(2) of the ANA, carry a fine not exceeding $50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or both.

The offence of operating a UA without a Class 2 AP under Regulation 8(1) of the ANR read with Regulation 10(1) of the ANR and punishable under section 14(3) of the ANA carries a fine not exceeding $50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or both.

The offence of operating a UA above 250grams without registering with the CAAS under Regulation 42(1) ANR carries a fine not exceeding $10,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or both.

The Police will not condone the operation of a UA in an unsafe and irresponsible manner, as that poses a risk to aviation and public safety and security. UA users are advised to refer to to ensure that they have fulfilled the relevant regulatory requirements before they operate their UA and refer to the website or OneMap app for the location of restricted and protected areas and where the operation of UA is not allowed unless a permit has been obtained from the CAAS. Members of the public who witness any unauthorised UA activity are advised to report their observations to the Police.


10 July 2024 @ 4:15 PM
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