- Act of Endangering Human Life
- Commercial Crimes
- Youth-Centric Advisories
- Dishonest Misappropriation Of Property
- Cybercrime
- Family Violence
- Housebreaking
- Theft In Dwelling
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Outrage of Modesty
- CDSA and CMA Bill Amendments
- Misuse of SIM Card Offences
- Sexual Crime
- Voyeurism
- Snatch Theft
- Scams
- Theft Of Bicycle and Personal Mobility Devices
- Unlicensed Moneylending
- Crime Prevention Posters
- Traffic
- Airport Security
- Online Criminal Harms Act
- Infrastructure Protection
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
- Crime
- Act of Endangering Human Life
- Commercial Crimes
- Youth-Centric Advisories
- Dishonest Misappropriation Of Property
- Cybercrime
- Family Violence
- Housebreaking
- Theft In Dwelling
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Outrage of Modesty
- CDSA and CMA Bill Amendments
- Misuse of SIM Card Offences
- Sexual Crime
- Voyeurism
- Snatch Theft
- Scams
- Theft Of Bicycle and Personal Mobility Devices
- Unlicensed Moneylending
- Crime Prevention Posters
- Traffic
- Traffic Matters
- Road Safety Tips
- Road Safety Campaigns
- Road Safety Challenge
- Airport Security
- Known Consignor Regime
- Regulated Air Cargo Agent Regime
- Online Criminal Harms Act
- Introduction to OCHA
- Application for Reconsideration
- Appeal to Reviewing Tribunal
- Codes of Practice
- Appeal to Minister
- Infrastructure Protection
- Infrastructure Protection Act
- Protected Areas and Protected Places
- Special Developments / Special Infrastructures
- Building Security
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
Here are some measures you can take to avoid falling victim to snatch theft in the future:
For Everyone
- Be alert and attentive to your surroundings, especially when you are alone with a stranger. If someone is following you, head to a crowded area; if someone is trying to get close to you, move away.
- Avoid wearing lots of jewellery and carrying large sums of money on you.
- Avoid going out at night alone. If you have to, go out in a group or get someone (parent, close friend) to accompany you.
- Consider investing in a shrill alarm for you and your loved ones as they can come in handy to sound for help during emergencies.
For Parents
- Do not let your children wear expensive jewellery especially when going to school, playgrounds or shopping centres.
- Advise your children to avoid walking in dark or deserted places.
- Teach your children to be wary of strangers and not to follow them. They should inform their teacher or you, if strangers approach them in public.
If you are a victim of crime, take the following steps:
- Remain calm.
- Observe and remember the suspect’s clothing, physical appearance and any distinctive features.
- Take note of the suspect’s direction of escape.
- If the suspect uses a vehicle to escape, write down the vehicle’s plate number.
- As soon as it is safe to do so, contact the Police immediately to report the incident.