- Act of Endangering Human Life
- Commercial Crimes
- Youth-Centric Advisories
- Dishonest Misappropriation Of Property
- Cybercrime
- Family Violence
- Housebreaking
- Theft In Dwelling
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Outrage of Modesty
- CDSA and CMA Bill Amendments
- Misuse of SIM Card Offences
- Sexual Crime
- Voyeurism
- Snatch Theft
- Scams
- Theft Of Bicycle and Personal Mobility Devices
- Unlicensed Moneylending
- Crime Prevention Posters
- Traffic
- Airport Security
- Online Criminal Harms Act
- Infrastructure Protection
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
- Crime
- Act of Endangering Human Life
- Commercial Crimes
- Youth-Centric Advisories
- Dishonest Misappropriation Of Property
- Cybercrime
- Family Violence
- Housebreaking
- Theft In Dwelling
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Outrage of Modesty
- CDSA and CMA Bill Amendments
- Misuse of SIM Card Offences
- Sexual Crime
- Voyeurism
- Snatch Theft
- Scams
- Theft Of Bicycle and Personal Mobility Devices
- Unlicensed Moneylending
- Crime Prevention Posters
- Traffic
- Traffic Matters
- Road Safety Tips
- Road Safety Campaigns
- Road Safety Challenge
- Airport Security
- Known Consignor Regime
- Regulated Air Cargo Agent Regime
- Online Criminal Harms Act
- Introduction to OCHA
- Application for Reconsideration
- Appeal to Reviewing Tribunal
- Codes of Practice
- Appeal to Minister
- Infrastructure Protection
- Infrastructure Protection Act
- Protected Areas and Protected Places
- Special Developments / Special Infrastructures
- Building Security
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
The Infrastructure Protection Act (IPA), passed in Parliament on 2 October 2017, was brought into force on 18 December 2018. It is part of our national counter-terrorism framework to keep Singapore safe and secure.
How does IPA keep Singapore safe and secure?
The IPA strengthens building security and enhances the protection of our sensitive locations.
What are Security Directives and Minister's Orders?
Click on the links below to view the Infrastructure Protection Act and the relevant subsidiary legislations*:
- Infrastructure Protection Act
- Regulations under the Act
- Compounding of offences
- Designation of Special Developments
- Exemption orders
*Only key subsidiary legislations are listed here. Please visit the AGC website for all other subsidiary legislations.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Please refer to the FAQs for more information.
IPA FAQ (PDF 145KB) - 14 March 2019