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- Theft In Dwelling
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Outrage of Modesty
- CDSA and CMA Bill Amendments
- Misuse of SIM Card Offences
- Sexual Crime
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- Snatch Theft
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- Theft Of Bicycle and Personal Mobility Devices
- Unlicensed Moneylending
- Crime Prevention Posters
- Traffic
- Airport Security
- Online Criminal Harms Act
- Infrastructure Protection
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
- Crime
- Commercial Crimes
- Youth-Centric Advisories
- Dishonest Misappropriation Of Property
- Cybercrime
- Family Violence
- Housebreaking
- Theft In Dwelling
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Outrage of Modesty
- CDSA and CMA Bill Amendments
- Misuse of SIM Card Offences
- Sexual Crime
- Voyeurism
- Snatch Theft
- Scams
- Theft Of Bicycle and Personal Mobility Devices
- Unlicensed Moneylending
- Crime Prevention Posters
- Traffic
- Traffic Matters
- Road Safety Tips
- Road Safety Campaigns
- Road Safety Challenge
- Airport Security
- Known Consignor Regime
- Regulated Air Cargo Agent Regime
- Online Criminal Harms Act
- Introduction to OCHA
- Application for Reconsideration
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- Appeal to Minister
- Infrastructure Protection
- Infrastructure Protection Act
- Protected Areas and Protected Places
- Special Developments / Special Infrastructures
- Building Security
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
The list of authorised agents as follows:
S/N | Type of Speed Limiter Service | Registered Company Name | Registered Company UEN | Workshop Address | Type Of Speed Limiter | Model of Speed Limiter | Contact Person | Contact Number | |
1 | Supply | Continental Automotive Singapore Pte Ltd | 199708326N | - | Retrofitted - Mechanical | VDO - AGB III | |||
Retrofitted - Electronic | VDO - Pedal Interface II | ||||||||
2 | Supply | Interpump Hydraulics Asia Pte Ltd | 198900368W | - | Retrofitted - Mechanical | Elson Truck Cruise 3 | - | - | - |
Retrofitted - Electronic | Elson Truck Cruise 3 | ||||||||
3 | Supply | Project Argus Pte Ltd | 202141089C | - | Retrofitted - Electronic | Magtec - SafeSpeed | - | - | - |
Retrofitted - Electronic | Autokontrol - DBW Speed Control | ||||||||
4 | Installation AND Rectification | AH KENG MOTOR PTE LTD | 202134606E | 160 Sin Ming Drive #01-01/11, Singapore 575722 | - | - | Jee Meng Heng | 9451 7554 | jeemh7@yahoo.com |
5 | Installation AND Rectification | Cycle & Carriage Industries Pte Limited | 196400367W | 209 Pandan Gardens, Singapore 609339 | - | - | Philip Cheong Sang Lee | 9186 5300 | Philip.cheong@cyclecarriage.com.sg |
6 | Installation AND Rectification | Goldbell Engineering Pte Ltd | 198003963G | 8 Tuas Ave 18, Singapore 638892 48 Changi South Street 1, Singapore 486130 |
- | - | Peter Goh | 6864 0698 / 9388 5732 |
liviphualw@goldbell.com.sg petergohbh@goldbell.com.sg |
7 | Installation AND Rectification | Hup Hing Trading | 53121061L | 192 Pandan Loop #07-23, Pantech Business Hub, Singapore 128381 | - | - | Joe Au | 94594719 | huphing@singnet.com.sg |
8 | Installation AND Rectification | Inchcape Motors Pte Ltd | 196700186N | 2 Pandan Crescent, Singapore 128462 6 Marsiling Lane, Singapore 739145 |
- | - | - | - | - |
9 | Installation AND Rectification | MASTERTECH SERVICES | 53363904B | 160 SIN MING DR #07-18/19, Singapore 575722 | - | - | Peh Wee Choon | 91072258 | mastertechsvcs@hotmail.com |
10 | Installation AND Rectification | NLT VEHICLE SERVICE PTE LTD | 201835491M | No. 2 Buroh Crescent #02-09/10, Singapore 627546 | - | - | Moses | 68462058 | SERVICE@NLTVEHICLE.COM |
11 | Installation AND Rectification | SAY WAH WELDING & CONSTRUCTION PTE LTD | 201508801Z | 13, Jalan Terusan #01-03, Singapore 619293 | - | - | Keira | 6269 0090 | saywahmachinery@gmail.com |
12 | Installation AND Rectification | SEAH HIN PTE LTD | 202101049W | 10 Buroh Street #01-21, Singapore 627564 | - | - | Shi Yuan / Richard |
96330017 / 90709797 | SALES@SEAHHIN.COM.SG |
13 | Installation AND Rectification | Syntech Engineers Pte Ltd | 198902352M | 27 Gul Lane, Singapore 629421 | - | - | - | - | - |
14 | Installation AND Rectification | Triangle Auto Pte Ltd | 198700116R | No. 20 Tuas Ave 2, Singapore 639451 | - | - | Michael Woo | - | michaelwoo@triangleauto.com.sg maclee@triangleauto.com.sg services@triangleauto.com.sg |
Last updated 6 March 2025