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Making Waves: The Women in PCG's Special Task Squadron

Ever wondered what the PCG Special Task Squadron’s Hell Week is like? Find out from the inspiring female officers who conquered it!

Enhancing Emergency Response Through Video Technology

The Emergency Video System is a joint capability used by the SPF and SCDF to allow live video streaming for better situational assessment and decision-making. Here’s how it works!

Exercise Northstar XI: Singapore's Multi-Agency Response to Terrorism

First introduced in 1997, Exercise Northstar is a national-level emergency response exercise to test the readiness of agencies in the event of major crises. More than 300 personnel from the SPF, SCDF and SAF were involved in the exercise held on 22 March 2023. Let’s take a closer look at the SPF’s capabilities that were exercised at Exercise Northstar XI!

In the Istana Serving with Pride as SPF Honorary Aides-de-Camp

Honoured to do their part, and more! These dedicated SPF Honorary Aides-de-Camp serve as the President’s aides, on top of their regular duties as officers!

Sticking Together to Rise to the Top!

Community outreach through hockey – the inaugural Youth Hockey Challenge allowed secondary school students to learn about crime prevention and celebrate the sporting spirit. One school was crowned the champion… but which?

IO's Diary: ASP Saba'aton Abas

Armed with determination and passion, ASP Saba’aton guides investigators to uncover the truth and deliver justice.

Crimefighters and Life Partners

Having a loving and reliable partner makes life better! This Valentine’s Day, we speak to a couple who see the best in each other, in good times and bad.

Three Things You Should Know about the Annual Crime Report 2022

As COVID-19 safe management measures were eased in 2022, Singapore registered a slight increase in physical crime.

SPF Fit: Fitness Takes Off!

For Police officers, keeping fit is all part of the job. In Our SPF Fit series, meet those who’re taking their physical conditioning and health to the next level!

Five Things You Should Know about the Annual Scams and Cybercrime Report 2022

Taking stock of the threat posed by scams in 2022, and how we can safeguard ourselves from scammers!

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