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Merger Of Bedok North Neighbourhood Police Centre And Bedok South Neighbourhood Police Centre

On 31 January 2022, Bedok North Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) and Bedok South NPC will be merged to form Bedok NPC. This is part of our ongoing efforts to review and restructure ground deployments across our 35 NPCs, to better meet the evolving security challenges and the community’s needs. Bedok NPC will be the first merged NPC under the NPC merger plan, with three other mergers currently under review.

The NPC merger plan aims to strengthen the capabilities of NPCs and better serve the public, by pooling Police resources from smaller, geographically-linked NPCs to form a larger base. This will enhance deployment flexibility, which will enable officers to respond better to incidents of larger scale and complexity, and also strengthen Police’s outreach and engagement with the community. We assure the public that our service standards and incident response will not be affected.

Bedok NPC will operate from Bedok North NPC’s current location at 30 Bedok North Road. Bedok South NPC, which is currently located at 20 Chai Chee Drive, will be converted to Bedok South Neighbourhood Police Post (NPP). Both Bedok NPC and Bedok South NPP will continue to provide residents with round-the-clock counter services. (That said, members of the public who require urgent Police assistance should call ‘999’ immediately. For non-emergency matters such as lost property, they may choose self-help options and lodge a report online at

Bedok NPC will work closely with its community partners, stakeholders and residents to ensure a smooth transition. Members of the public who have any enquiries regarding the merger of Bedok North NPC and Bedok South NPC may call 1800-244-9999.


04 January 2022 @ 11:43 AM
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