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Money Laundering National Risk Assessment (ML NRA) 2024

Singapore’s Money Laundering (ML) National Risk Assessment (NRA) forms part of Singapore’s continuing efforts to maintain the effectiveness of its anti-money laundering (AML) regime amidst our evolving risk landscape. It synthesises the ML risks observed by the Singapore law enforcement agencies, Singapore’s Financial Intelligence Unit – the Suspicious Transaction Reporting Office (STRO), and supervisory authorities, as well as feedback from private sector entities and counterpart foreign authorities.

Click here for more information and here for a copy of the National Risk Assessment Report.

Environmental Crime Money Laundering National Risk Assessment (Env Crime ML NRA) 2024

Singapore’s Environmental Crime Money Laundering National Risk Assessment complements its broader ML risk assessments. It provides a targeted overview of Singapore’s environmental crimes ML risk environment and identifies the key threats and vulnerabilities Singapore is exposed to. It also outlines relevant mitigation measures that government agencies and private sector can develop and implement to address ML risks arising from environmental crimes.

Click here for a copy of the Env Crime ML NRA.

Terrorism Financing National Risk Assessment (TF NRA) 2024

In 2024, Singapore updated its Terrorism Financing (TF) National Risk Assessment (NRA). The TF NRA presents an overview of Singapore’s TF risk environment and identifies the key risk areas within our national CFT system. It considers key developments since the last TF NRA in 2020, such as the evolving global and regional terrorism landscape, growth of the digital economy and financial services in Asia, and emerging TF risk typologies. The TF NRA seeks to further deepen law enforcement agencies, regulators/supervisors, policy makers and the private sector’s understanding of Singapore’s TF risks and vulnerabilities, allowing them to adopt a targeted and risk-focused approach when developing and implementing CFT strategies and risk mitigation measures.

Click here for a copy of the refreshed 2024 TF NRA.

National Strategy for Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) 2024

The National CFT strategy is an extension of existing overarching policy statements of our anti-money laundering and CFT (AML/CFT) regime. As guided by the AML/CFT Steering Committee (SC), the National CFT strategy forms the blueprint that outlines Singapore’s national approach to address our TF risks. It will pave the way for the development of a roadmap to translate our strategies into actions. This serves to guide the development of future action plans, in this ever-evolving terrorism and TF operational landscape. 

Click here for a copy of the refreshed 2024 National Strategy for CFT.

National Asset Recovery Strategy (NARS) 2024

Asset recovery is one of the key pillars of Singapore’s AML regime. It seeks to deter the flow of illicit assets through Singapore’s financial ecosystem, while remaining welcoming to legitimate businesses. The National Asset Recovery Strategy (NARS) sets out Singapore’s comprehensive approach towards the recovery of illicit funds and assets from criminals, and the forfeiture of these assets or their return to victims.

Click here for a copy of the National Asset Recovery Strategy.


Proliferation Financing National Risk Assessment (PF NRA) 2024

In 2024, Singapore carried out a Proliferation Financing (PF) National Risk Assessment (NRA) to update and deepen Singapore’s understanding of PF risk. The PF NRA presents an overview of key PF threats and the sectors that are more vulnerable to PF threats. It also outlines the counter-PF strategy developed, which places Singapore in a better position to manage both PF threats and PF risk sectors. As Singapore is an international financial centre and a key trading hub, counter-PF is a priority area for Singapore.

Click here for a copy of Singapore’s 2024 Proliferation Financing (PF) National Risk Assessment and Counter-PF Strategy.


Virtual Assets Risk Assessment (VA RA) 2024 Singapore’s Virtual Assets (VA) Risk Assessment (RA) provides a targeted review of the money laundering (ML), terrorism financing (TF) and proliferation financing (PF) risks associated with VAs. The VA RA identifies the key threats and vulnerabilities of Singapore’s VA environment. It also outlines measures put in place by government agencies and the private sector to mitigate such VA threats and vulnerabilities.

Click here for a copy of the Virtual Assets Risk Assessment Report Singapore 2024.


Legal Persons Risk Assessment (LP RA) 2024

The Legal Persons (LP) Risk Assessment (RA) complements the Money Laundering (ML) National Risk Assessment (NRA) and the Terrorism Financing (TF) NRA. The LP RA provides a review of ML and TF threats and vulnerabilities that various types of legal persons in Singapore are exposed to, and the risk mitigation measures undertaken by Singapore to mitigate these risks. The LP RA also gives Law Enforcement Agencies, regulators, supervisors, and industry players a consolidated view of Singapore’s AML and CFT strategies, policies and measures specific to their organisations, enabling for easier development and adoption of these areas into their organisations.

Click here for a copy of the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Risk Assessment of Legal Persons In Singapore 2024.


Legal Arrangements Risk Assessment (LA RA) 2024

The Legal Arrangements (LA) Risk Assessment (RA) gives a review of Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorism Financing (TF) threats and vulnerabilities that various types of legal arrangements in Singapore are exposed to. The LA RA outlines the robust and risk-calibrated regulatory and enforcement measures in place depending on the specific LA, which complements Singapore’s national ML and TF risk assessments.

Click here for a copy of the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Risk Assessment of Legal Arrangements in Singapore 2024.



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