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A 28-year-old Philippine National, Ello Ed Mundsel Bello (“Ello”), was arrested and charged in Court earlier today for the following offences:


i    Promoting Feelings of Ill-Well and Hostility between Different Races or Classes of the Population of Singapore under Section 3(1)(e) read with Section 4(1)(c) of the Sedition Act (Chapter 290) (two counts); and


ii   Providing False Information to a Public Servant under Section 182 of the Penal Code (Chapter 224) (three counts).


2.         Under the Sedition Act, anyone found guilty of promoting feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Singapore shall be liable, on conviction for a first offence, to a fine of up to $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term of up to three years, or to both. Under the Penal Code, anyone found guilty of giving any information which he knows to be false to a public servant shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or a fine which may extend to $5,000, or to both.


3.         The SPF takes a stern view of acts that could threaten social harmony in Singapore, and any person who posts remarks online that could cause ill-will and hostility between the different races or communities in Singapore will be firmly dealt with in accordance with the law. Furthermore, the lodging of false police reports ties up valuable police resources which could have been deployed to deal with other crimes.  It is a serious offence and those who provide false information will face the full weight of the law.


07 April 2015 @ 4:04 PM
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