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Naming and Commissioning of Patrol Interdiction Boat and 2nd Generation PK Class High Speed Interceptor

Complex maritime environment

The security threats to our maritime environment are becoming increasingly complex. Illegal immigrants and smugglers have become more sophisticated and well-organised in their activities. They now employ decoys and camouflage, conduct reconnaissance, and use faster boats that attempt to breach our maritime defence or make dangerous manoeuvers to evade arrest.


Enhancements in PCG’s capabilities

PCG adopts a three-pronged approach of detection, deterrence and interception to protect our maritime waters. To enhance its effectiveness in detecting and neutralizing maritime threats, PCG has been making technological and resource improvements in each of these three areas. The 11 Patrol Interdiction Boats (PIBs) and six 2nd Generation PK Class High Speed Interceptors are part of PCG’s ongoing efforts to renew and upgrade its interception capabilities.


Capabilities of Patrol Interdiction Boats

The new PIBs, designed to be compact to enhance her travelling speed, can achieve a speed in excess of 45 knots (or 80kmh). They also have the following enhanced capabilities.

  1. Beaching capabilities that allow PCG officers to dismount on land quickly to continue pursuit if their target gets to shore;

  2. Armoured protection against direct armament or an armed attack;

  3. A Stabilised Naval Gun System (SNGS) that can track targets automatically and is more accurate; and

  4. Shock-mitigating seats and a wireless intercom system.


Capabilities of 2nd Generation PK Class High Speed Interceptor

The 2nd Generation PK boats are operated by PCG’s elite Special Task Squadron (STS), which deals primarily with aggressive, fast-moving sea-borne threats. The 2nd Gen PK, propelled by twin high-powered engines, is capable of travelling at speeds in excess of 55 knots (100kmh). They also have the following characteristics:


  1. Ability to withstand hard impact during interception operations;

  2. Improved manoeuvrability that enables PCG to pursue and intercept high-speed vessels with ease;

  3. Increased stealth capabilities with its reduced engine noise emissions and lowered profile; and

  4. Shock-mitigating seats and a wireless intercom system.



Together with our current fleet, these new boats will enable PCG to intercept and deal more decisively with intruding boats which are becoming faster and better equipped, before the intruding boats reach our shores.



21 July 2015 @ 7:10 PM
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