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Singapore Police Force Salutes Founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew at the Unveiling Ceremony of Two Artillery Shell Casings

Commissioner of Police (CP) Hoong Wee Teck and Commander of Police Security Command (SecCom) Assistant Commissioner Lim Chee Pheng unveiled two commemorative artillery shell casings at the Senior Police Officers’ Mess (SPOM) today, which were presented to the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and SecCom by the Government. The unveiling ceremony is specially held today as it is exactly one year ago that these artillery shells were fired from the 21-gun salute during the State Funeral Procession of founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on 29 March 2015. The SPOM is chosen for today’s ceremony as it holds special memories of Mr Lee gracing his presence at three Police Dining-Ins that were held in his honour, in 1967,1972 and 2011.

Following the unveiling ceremony, CP Hoong Wee Teck led the SPF officers in observing a minute of silence and a Police salute to honour our founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew. CP Hoong Wee Teck said, “The Singapore Police Force is deeply honoured to receive the two artillery shell casings. Mr Lee last addressed Home Team officers in 2011 during an event here at the Senior Police Officers’ Mess. Then, he reminded us to never forget the fundamentals which brought us to where we are today, and to always take pride in our mission of keeping Singapore safe and secure. My officers and I will keep Mr Lee’s words in mind, as we continue the never-ending work of making Singapore the safest place in the world.”

Station Inspector Kelvin Lee, a long-serving Personal Security Officer (PSO) to Mr Lee Kuan Yew, said, “I am deeply honoured to have served Mr Lee for 16 years. His expectation for his PSOs is simple and clear – always expect the unexpected. This expectation has become the cornerstone for SecCom’s training ethos – Train Hard, Fight Easy. All PSOs are trained to act decisively and effectively at unexpected moments, to ensure the safety and security of their protectees.”

Following this ceremony, the two artillery shell casings will be displayed at the Police Heritage Centre located at the Police Headquarters for three months. Thereafter, the artillery shell casing that was presented to SecCom will be moved to the SecCom’s Heritage Centre. Members of public who wish to view the artillery shell casings that are displayed at the Police Heritage Centre can contact us at

Refer to Annex A for photos of the event.

29 March 2016 @ 4:00 PM
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