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Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) 70th Anniversary Celebration & Appreciation Dinner

The Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) held its 70th Anniversary Celebration & Appreciation Dinner on Friday, 21 October 2016 at Orchard Hotel. This event was held to celebrate VSC’s 70th Anniversary and to recognise the contributions of all serving and retired VSC officers. About 800 VSC officers, past and present, attended the event.


Launch of the VSC 70th Anniversary Commemorative Book


The Guest-of-Honour was Minister for Home Affairs Mr K Shanmugam.   He launched the VSC 70th Anniversary Commemorative Book. The book showcases the stories of our VSC officers, highlighting their contributions in keeping Singapore safe and secure. Every VSC officer will receive a copy of the book.   


VSC Awards Presentation


Minister Shanmugam also presented certificates and plaques to 20 recently retired VSC officers to thank them for their valuable service to the Singapore Police Force and the nation. Four ‘Best VSC Officer Awards’ were presented by Acting Commissioner of Police Lim Kok Thai.


VSC Over the Years and New Challenges


The VSC has a long and illustrious history. Founded in 1946, it was first known as the Special Constabulary (SC), and was an auxiliary force with just 150 officers. 


The VSC underwent three key transformational shifts over the years:

  • First, in 1967, National Service (NS) was introduced and male Singaporeans were attached to the VSC as part of their NS. In 1981, VSC became a wholly volunteer force.

  • Second, in 1995, VSC underwent a re-organisation where it adopted a similar staff and line structure as the SPF.

  • Third, in 1999, VSC officers began to don the same uniform as regular Police officers. This symbolised the VSC’s full integration into the SPF. 


Today, the VSC stands at more than 700 officers. Our VSC officers come from all walks of life, including lawyers, accountants, taxi drivers and university students.


As an integral part of the SPF, VSC officers have also been deployed to new operational units to support emerging priorities of the SPF:


  • VSC officers are posted to SPF units such as the Public Transport Security Command, Airport Police Division and Criminal Investigation Department to contribute in more specialised roles.


  • VSC officers will also take on a new role as SGSecure mobilisers to help build a community of prepared citizens. VSC officers will conduct house visits to create awareness among residents on security threats and how they can play a part to prevent and deal with a terrorist attack.


VSC 2025 Transformation Plan


The Home Team is embarking on a transformation exercise to prepare for future challenges. As part of the transformation, the SPF recently set up a review team comprising regular Police officers and VSC officers, to develop the VSC 2025 Transformation Plan. The team will look into opportunities and challenges facing the VSC in the next 10 years, and ensure that the VSC is well positioned for the future.


Review of VSC Allowance


The VSC allowance was last raised in 2008. Following a recent review, the VSC allowance will be increased from $3.60 per hour to $4.60 per hour from 1 November 2016. This allowance is meant to offset out-of-pocket expenses like transport and food, and will also apply to uniformed volunteers in the Civil Defence Auxilliary Unit of the Singapore Civil Defence Force.



Minister Shanmugam delivering his speech at the VSC 70th Anniversary Celebration Dinner


VSC 70th Anniversary Celebration Dinner Cake Cutting


Minister Shanmugam launching the VSC 70th Anniversary Commemorative Book

21 October 2016 @ 10:30 PM
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