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The Singapore Police Force (SPF) successfully conducted a multi-agency counter-terrorism exercise at Changi Airport on 17 October 2017 from 1.00 am to 3.00 am. This exercise constitutes phase 1 of Exercise Northstar 10[1], and is part of ongoing efforts to test and validate operational plans to respond to possible terror attacks in Singapore. This was the first such exercise at Changi Airport.


The exercise allowed the SPF to enhance coordination and test whole-of-government emergency responses with partner agencies and stakeholders in the aviation sector.

More than 650 personnel from the SPF, Changi Airport Group (CAG), the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and Ministry of Health (MOH) participated in the exercise.

Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Mr Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen, and Minister for Education (Schools) and Second Minister for Transport, Mr Ng Chee Meng, observed the exercise.

The first part of the exercise involved simulated gunmen attacks in various locations inside Changi Airport and tested the responses of various SPF units in containing the situation.  Police officers from the Public Transport Security Command (TransCom), Ground Response Force (GRF) from the Airport Police Division (APD) and Rapid Deployment Troop (RDT) from the Special Operations Command (SOC), as well as SAF personnel conducting joint APD-SAF security patrols in Changi Airport, were involved.

After the simulated armed attackers were neutralised, personnel from the SAF Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Explosives Defence Group (CBRE DG) responded to and disarmed an ‘Improvised Explosive Device’ (IED). This was followed by snatch-rescue operations of the ‘casualties’ by SCDF emergency responders. SPF officers from the Criminal Investigation Department’s Bomb and Explosive Investigation Division conducted post-blast investigations, following an earlier detonation by a suicide bomber. The First Aid Point and Disaster Site Medical Command (DSMC) were set up by SCDF and staffed by MOH personnel who were exercised on the medical response to such large-scale attacks.

This exercise also incorporated the important element of community involvement in helping to respond to emergency situations. In particular, staff from SMRT Corporation and CAG practised their SGSecure skills, including ‘Run, Hide & Tell’ and improvised first aid using the ‘Press, Tie & Tell’ method.

After the exercise, SPF Director Operations, Assistant Commissioner How Kwang Hwee said, “Exercises such as Northstar 10 Phase 1 allows SPF and other agencies to jointly test and validate the multi-agency emergency response to possible terror attacks. The ability to work well with various public and private stakeholders, in this instance the aviation sector, is critical to ensuring an effective response to any attack. We will continue to work with partner agencies to enhance measures to protect Changi Airport and other key infrastructure, and to ensure swift and decisive action in the event of an attack.

[1] Phase 2 of Exercise Northstar 10, led by SCDF, will be held on 28 October 2017.












17 October 2017 @ 6:00 AM
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