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Singapore Police Force – Pokémon Joint Crime Prevention Campaign 2018

Jurong Police Division and The Pokémon Company (TPC) jointly organised a crime prevention campaign which was launched on 10 March 2018 at Jurong Point Shopping Centre. Commander of Jurong Police Division, Assistant Commissioner of Police (AC) Koh Wei Keong and Mr Susumu Fukunaga, Corporate Officer of The Pokémon Company were present to launch the campaign.


Crime Prevention through Pokémon characters

Riding on the phenomenon of Pokémon GO, an Augmented Reality (AR) mobile game, Jurong Police Division will be spreading crime prevention messages to both young and old through the Pokémon characters.  The crime prevention campaign will be held during the March school holidays from 10 to 18 March 2018 at Jurong Point Shopping Centre.


This campaign has three key messages;


a) “Don’t Take Dimly Lit Shortcuts” – as we need to be alert to our surroundings to prevent being victims of crime;

b) “Don’t Buy Counterfeit Goods” – as counterfeiting is an Intellectual property crime; and

c) “Don’t Use Your Mobile Phone While Driving” – as we must ensure the safety of our loved ones and others during driving.


As the public visited the Pokémon game booths and crime prevention booths, they were given crime prevention tips through various Pokémon-themed crime prevention collaterals such as notebooks, folders and car decals. The highlight of the campaign was the Pikachu’s Parade and Dance followed by Meet and Greet sessions with Pikachu mascots.  

Commander of Jurong Police Division, AC Koh Wei Keong, said “This is the first time the Singapore Police Force is collaborating with The Pokémon Company on crime prevention. With the appeal of the Pokémon characters, we hope to be able to reach out to more members of the public on crime prevention. We certainly look forward to more opportunities like this in the future. Through this campaign, we hope the public will have a greater awareness not to take dimly lit shortcuts, not to buy counterfeits goods and not to use their mobile devices while driving.”



Photo 1 Launch of the campaign by AC Koh and Mr Susumu Fukunaga



Photo 2 Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation



Photo 3 Pikachu with officers from Jurong Police Division



Photo 4 Pikachu Parade and Dance



Photo 5 Pikachu Meet and Greet



Photo 6 Pikachu on Patrol

10 March 2018 @ 6:00 PM
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