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The Singapore Police Force, together with the Supreme Court, held the first counter-terrorism exercise at the Supreme Court building on 6 December 2018. The aim of the exercise was to validate operational plans and test the coordination between the Singapore Police Force and the Supreme Court as they responded to a simulated terrorist attack within the Supreme Court building.  

The exercise scenario involved two gunmen entering the Supreme Court building by tailgating a staff, and started shooting at members of the public. Auxiliary Police Officers (APOs) and Supreme Court staff kept the situation under control till the Police arrived. Officers from the Central Police Division such as Police Custodial Branch, Emergency Response Team and Marina Bay Neighbourhood Police Centre responded to the incident. They coordinated their response with the APOs to locate and neutralise the gunmen.

A spokesperson from the Supreme Court said, “The joint counter-terrorism exercise with the Singapore Police Force was very useful in preparing staff and tenants for a terrorist attack when it happens. With the global threat of terrorism, the joint counter-terrorism exercise with the Singapore Police Force has helped to raise awareness, the level of vigilance amongst staff and tested the robustness of our emergency response plans.”


A terror attack has the potential to disrupt the community and businesses with implications beyond the immediate harm to lives and property at the incident location. The Singapore Police Force urges all premise owners to review their emergency response plans, and exercise their staff and tenants to enhance their readiness to deal with an attack.



06 December 2018 @ 5:00 PM
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