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Four Members Of The Public Presented With Public Spiritedness Award

In a ceremony held at Woodlands Police Division on 19 November 2019, four members of the public were commended for their public spiritedness.

In the first case on 30 July 2019, Ms Cheo Yi Love and Mr Roy Cheong, who are both working at United Overseas Bank (UOB), prevented a female customer from losing $12,500 to an Internet Love Scam. The woman had befriended a man online and was requested by the latter to transfer a sum of money in order to receive a parcel. After transferring $3500, the woman was informed by the man that she was required to transfer another sum of $12,500 in order to get a clearance certificate for the parcel. When the woman went to a UOB branch to carry out the transfer of money, Ms Cheo and Mr Cheong suspected that the woman was a possible victim of scam. After engaging the customer, they successfully stopped the transaction and advised her to lodge a police report. 

In the second case on 28 August 2019, Mr Faliq Shazwin Bin Alwi had assisted the Police in detaining a man who fled after seeing police officers along Stagmont Ring. The man was subsequently arrested for an offence under the Immigration Act and possession of duty-unpaid cigarettes.

In the third case on 6 November 2019, Mr Muhammad Hairi Bin Abdul Razak had assisted the Police in detaining a man who fled after seeing police officers along Woodlands Street 13. The man was subsequently arrested for suspected drug-related offences. 

Assistant Commissioner of Police (AC) Leon Chan (陈亮华), Commander of Woodlands Police Division said, “We had the privilege today to present four individuals tokens of appreciation from the Singapore Police Force, in recognition of their contributions to keeping Singapore safe and secure. They are examples of how people keep a watchful eye out for potential victims of crime, or bravely step up to assist the Police. We hope that their actions will serve to inspire others to keep their communities safe.”


AC Leon Chan with award recipients Mr Roy Cheong (second from left) and Ms Cheo Yi Love (third from left), together with Ms Chew Li Lian (Executive Director and West Area Manager, Group Channels and Digitalisation, UOB)


Mr Faliq Shazwin Bin Alwi being awarded the Public Spiritedness Award by AC Leon Chan


Mr Muhammad Hairi Bin Abdul Razak being awarded the Public Spiritedness Award by AC Leon Chan


Award recipients with AC Leon Chan

19 November 2019 @ 12:25 PM
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