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Man Charged For Possession And Importation Of Airsoft Handguns And A Replica Gun

A 40-year-old man will be charged in court for the possession and importation of more than 150 airsoft handguns without license, and the importation of a replica gun without a permit on 7 August 2020.

On 16 November 2018, the Police received information relating to the sales of replica toy guns that shoot gel beads as projectiles on an e-commerce platform.

Through ground enquiries, officers from the Ang Mo Kio Police Division established the identity of the seller and arrested him on the same day. More than 150 airsoft handguns and accessories were seized.

Airsoft guns or any other guns that shoot pellets using compressed gas are regulated as ‘arms’ under the Arms & Explosives Act. No person, unless authorised by a licence to possess arms, shall have in his possession or under his control any of such arms. Under Section 13(3) of the Arms and Explosives Act, any person who, in contravention of this section, has in his possession or under his control any gun without license shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 for every such gun and to imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years.

It is an offence for anyone to import or export any arms or explosives or any parts of arms or explosives without a license. The offence of importing or exporting any arms or explosives under section 13(1) of the Arms & Explosives Act, carries an imprisonment term not exceeding 3 years and shall be fined up to S$10,000.

 Under Section 45(a) of the Regulations of Imports and Exports Regulations, it is an offence for anyone to import or export any replica guns without a permit. Anyone who is found guilty of this offence shall, on the first conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding $100,000 or 3 times the value of the goods in respect of the committed offence, whichever is greater, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both; and on the second or subsequent conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding $200,000 or 4 times the value of the goods in respect of the committed offence, whichever is greater, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both.


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06 August 2020 @ 12:40 PM
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