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Appointment Of Command At Airport Police Division

Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police (DAC) Alvin Chong [张法算] will assume the command of Airport Police Division on 22 April 2021.

DAC Chong, 47, joined the Singapore Police Force (SPF) in 1999 and has served 22 years with the SPF. He has held several key appointments including Head of Special Investigation Section and Assistant Director (Operations, Investigation Policy and Training) with the Criminal Investigation Department, Assistant Director (Intelligence Operations) with the Police Intelligence Department and Deputy Commander of the Police Coast Guard. He has also handled strategic planning work in the Ministry of Home Affairs as Deputy Director (Resource Planning) of the Planning and Organisation Division.

On his appointment as Commander of Airport Police Division, DAC Chong said, “My experience in ensuring border security during my previous posting will greatly aid me in leading the Airport Police Division. We stay committed in upholding our mission to protect Singapore civil aviation against crime and our vision to make our airports the safest airports in the world. We will continue to work with our key aviation stakeholders to protect our airports against terrorism and acts of unlawful interference to ensure safe and secure air travel for passengers”.


20210421_Appointment Of Command At Airport Police Division

DAC Alvin Chong will assume the command of Airport Police Division on 22 April 2021.


21 April 2021 @ 5:00 PM
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