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Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) 75th Anniversary

The Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) marked its 75th Anniversary on 1 October 2021. A virtual VSC75 Observance Ceremony was held on 23 October 2021 to commemorate the significant milestone and to recognise the contributions of all serving and retired VSC officers to the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the nation. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Policy), Jerry See Buck Thye was the Guest of Honour (GOH) at the event.


Launch of the VSC75 Time Capsule

During the event, the GOH launched the VSC75 Time Capsule by placing the first set of Commitment Award Coins that was commissioned in 2011 into the time capsule. Commander VSC, Assistant Commissioner of Police (AC) Shng Yunn Chinn placed a VSC75 Virtual Run tee-shirt into the time capsule as a symbol of VSC togetherness and spirit of resilience.

Other items of significance from the various VSC units will also be placed into the time capsule, before it is sealed in 2022. The time capsule will be unveiled at the 100th Anniversary of the VSC.


VSC Over the Years and New Challenges

The VSC has a long and illustrious history. After World War II, a Special Constabulary (SC) was formed in 1945 to augment the regular ranks of the Force. About 100 men formed the pioneer batch of SC officers. In 1946, it was restructured into salaried officers, also known as Extra Constabulary, and the unpaid volunteer group are the VSC officers we know today.

Throughout the years, VSC officers have played an integral role in keeping Singapore safe and secure. The VSC underwent five key transformational shifts over the years:

  • First, in 1967, part-time National Service (NS) was introduced and the VSC was reorganised into the Special Constabulary (SC) – comprising NSmen – and the Special Constabulary (V) – comprising volunteers.

  • Second, in 1995, VSC underwent a reorganisation where it adopted a similar staff and line structure as the SPF.

  • Third, in 1997, the Honorary VSC (School) Scheme was started to train and appoint school discipline masters and teachers as police officers to tackle youth crime.

  • Fourth, in 1999, VSC officers began to don the same uniform as their regular counterparts and work in tandem with them. This symbolised the VSC’s full integration into the SPF.

  • In 2018, sensing a need to involve more community engagement, the VSC (Community) scheme was formed to accommodate the growing demand. The scheme provided more opportunities for the public to join as community volunteers, to project a visible police presence and deepen police-community relations.

Today, there are more than 1,200 VSC officers from all walks of life.

As an integral part of the SPF, VSC officers have also been deployed to new operational units to support emerging priorities of the SPF:

  • VSC officers are posted to all seven Police land divisions and SPF units such as the Public Transport Security Command, Airport Police Division, Criminal Investigation Department, Police Coast Guard, Police Operations Command Centre, Public Transport Security Command and Traffic Police, to contribute in more specialised roles.

  • VSC officers will also take on a new role as SGSecure mobilisers to help build a community of prepared citizens. VSC officers will conduct house visits to create awareness among residents on security threats and how they can play a part to prevent and deal with a terrorist attack.

Commander VSC, AC Shng Yunn Chinn, expressed his appreciation to the VSC officers for their contributions and close partnership with the SPF. He said, “VSC officers have played a significant role in keeping Singapore safe. Throughout the years, VSC officers have committed their time and effort, and have made personal sacrifices to serve the nation. I am grateful for their contributions and I am certain VSC will continue to grow and achieve even greater heights!”



Photo of Deputy Commissioner of Police (Policy), Jerry See Buck Thye with the first set of Commitment Award Coins to be placed into the time capsule



Photo of Deputy Commissioner of Police (Policy), Jerry See Buck Thye placing the first set of Commitment Award Coins into the time capsule


ANNEX – Heritage Photos Representative of VSC History



VSC officers reporting for duty at a rural police station in the 1960s



VSC Officers at Police Training School in 1958

Source: National Archives of Singapore



Passing Out Parade of 3rd batch of SC in 1969

Source: Ministry of Information and the Arts, Courtesy of National Archives of Singapore



VSC (Community) officers sharing crime prevention advisory to the members of public


23 October 2021 @ 3:30 PM
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