Two men, aged 23 and 24, were charged in court on 6 December 2021 with cheating under Section 420 of the Penal Code, Chapter 224, in relation to their applications for assistance under the Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme (“SIRS”). The SIRS was launched in March 2020 by the Ministry of Manpower (“MOM”) to tide self-employed Singaporeans with less means and family support over the difficult period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) helps MOM to administer the SIRS applications and appeals and helps identify potential fraudulent cases to be surfaced for further investigations while processing applications. Applications for the scheme have been closed since end 2020.
The two men were alleged to have cheated NTUC in July 2020 into disbursing $3,000 and $6,000 to them respectively through the submission of applications containing falsehoods to NTUC.
The offence of cheating under Section 420 of the Penal Code, Chapter 224 carries a fine and an imprisonment term that may extend to 10 years.
The Police take a serious stance against dishonest or fraudulent applications for Government grants. Offenders will be dealt with severely in accordance with the law.
06 December 2021 @ 11:45 AM