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Bedok Police Division’s Public Spiritedness And Community Partnership Award Ceremony

On 8 June 2022, Bedok Police Division presented the Public Spiritedness Award to three members of the public. Three organisations were also commended for their strong community partnership with the Police.

Cases Commended for Public Spiritedness Award

On 26 September 2021, Mr Woon Song Khoon assisted the Police in the arrest of two men for a case of possession of duty-unpaid cigarettes. Mr Woon witnessed the men unloading boxes from a van and behaving suspiciously near Block 318 Tampines Street 33. He had observed the driver passing two boxes believed to be contraband cigarettes, to the men before driving off. Mr Woon provided crucial information to the Police, which led to the arrest of the two subjects.

On 25 October 2021, Mr Lee Kum Yew and Mr Noor Sazleigh Bin Noor Mohamed assisted the Police in the arrest of a man for his suspected involvement in a case of outrage of modesty along Jalan Loyang Besar. Mr Lee had heard cries for help and gave chase to a man who was seen running away. While giving chase, he called the Police and provided timely updates on the man’s whereabouts. At the same time, Mr Noor Sazleigh was driving past when he saw the man being chased by Mr Lee. Mr Lee briefly shared what happened and Mr Noor Sazleigh joined the chase in his car. The man was finally detained by the two individuals and handed over to the Police.

Organisations Commended for Community Partnership Award

Three organisations were also recognised for their strong partnership and close collaboration with Bedok Police Division, in enhancing their security and crime prevention measures as well as facilitating Police operations. In recognition of their significant contributions, the following organisations were presented with the Community Partnership Award:

  • Changi General Hospital;

  • Singapore Expo; and

  • IKEA Tampines.

Assistant Commissioner of Police (AC) Heng Chih Yang, Commander of Bedok Police Division said: “The close partnership and trust between the Police and the community is crucial in keeping Singapore safe. I am pleased to recognise our deserving recipients who had played an important role in assisting the police to prevent, deter and detect crime. All these efforts make the community safer and more secure. Their public-spiritedness and collaboration with the Police are indeed commendable.”



Mr Woon Song Khoon being awarded the Public Spiritedness Award by Commander of Bedok Police Division, AC Heng Chih Yang



Changi General Hospital awarded the Community Partnership Award together with Commander AC Heng Chih Yang



Constellar Venues Pte Ltd (Singapore Expo) awarded the Community Partnership Award together with Commander AC Heng Chih Yang



IKEA Tampines awarded the Community Partnership Awards together with Commander AC Heng Chih Yang



Group photo of recipients who were awarded the Public Spiritedness Award and Community Partnership Award together with Commander AC Heng Chih Yang (fourth from left) and Deputy Commander DAC Teo Wee Meng (second from left)


13 June 2022 @ 6:45 PM
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