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    1800 255 0000
  • I-Witness

Police Advisory On Fake Restaurant Reservations

The Police would like to alert the public on the emergence of a new scam variant where local food and beverage (F&B) operators would receive calls from “customers” making reservations and asking for off-menu items to be purchased from a fake supplier. Since July 2022, at least five victims have fallen prey, with total losses amounting to at least $73,500.

In this variant, F&B operators would receive calls from “customers” whose phone numbers show a ‘+’ prefix. These “customers” would then reserve many tables and ask for expensive off-menu items. The victim would be provided with the contact details of a fake supplier for these off-menu items and would be informed that the these items have been paid for. In some instances, the “customers” would send a forged screenshot showing funds being transferred to the F&B operator’s bank account. Victims would then be directed to contact the fake supplier, where they would make payments to order the items requested by the “customer”. Victims would only realise that they had been scammed when they discovered that they did not receive any funds from the “customer”, or when the off-menu items were not delivered and/or the “customer” becomes uncontactable.

The Police would like to advise F&B operators to take the following precautions when receiving reservations from overseas customers:

  • Ask for a local contact to liaise with for the reservation. The ‘+’ sign prefix indicates that it is an international incoming call. Domestic calls will not display the ‘+’ sign prefix.

  • When dealing with new suppliers, avoid making payments or deposits in advance. Arrange to meet the supplier and pay only upon delivery of the goods.

  • Search online for reviews of suppliers to establish their legitimacy before committing to a purchase.

If you have information related to such crimes or if you are in doubt, please call the Police Hotline at 1800-255-0000, or submit it online at Please dial ‘999’ if you require urgent Police assistance.

For more information on scams, members of the public can visit or call the Anti-Scam Hotline at 1800-722-6688. Join the ‘Spot the Signs. Stop the Crimes.’ campaign at by signing up as an advocate to receive up-to-date messages and share them with your family and friends. Together, we can help stop scams and prevent our loved ones from falling prey to scams.

Annex A

Screenshot showing fake transfer of funds



21 July 2022 @ 7:25 PM
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