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Declaration Of National Day Parade 2024 As An Enhanced Security Special Event

The National Day Parade (NDP) 2024 will be held at The Padang on 9 August 2024 and has been declared as an ‘Enhanced Security Special Event’ under the Public Order Act 2009. 

The area around The Padang has been designated as a ‘Special Event Area’ where the Police will impose strict security measures to ensure public safety and security. The Police have also demarcated a ‘Special Zone’ within the Special Event Area where enhanced security checks will be conducted. These measures will take effect on 9 August 2024 from 0000 hours to 2359 hours. The map in Annex A shows the boundary of the Special Event Area and the map in Annex B shows the boundary of the Special Zone.

Security Restrictions within the Special Event Area

Prohibited Items

The items listed in Annex C are prohibited within the Special Event Area and it is an offence to bring such prohibited items into the area. The Police will conduct checks on persons for such items within the Special Event Area. Anyone found in possession of such items may be arrested and will be liable, upon conviction, to a fine of up to $20,000, or to imprisonment of up to 12 months, or both. The items will also be seized. The Police will have the powers to refuse entry to, or remove persons from, the Special Event Area, if necessary.

No Flying of Unmanned Aircraft (UA)

Unmanned Aircraft (UA), including drones, are prohibited within the Special Event Area. It is an offence to bring or fly any UA into the Special Event Area without a valid permit. Offenders may be arrested and will be liable, upon conviction, to a fine of up to $20,000, or to imprisonment of up to 12 months, or both. The UAs will also be seized. 

It is also an offence to fly any UA outside of the Special Event Area in a manner that disrupts, interferes with, delays or obstructs the conduct of NDP 2024. Offenders may be arrested and will be liable, upon conviction, to a fine of up to $20,000, or to imprisonment of up to 12 months, or both. The UAs will also be seized.

Temporary Revocation of Exemptions at Speakers’ Corner

The Speakers’ Corner at Hong Lim Park falls within the Special Event Area. As part of the security measures for NDP 2024, the exemptions for public assemblies or public processions within Speakers’ Corner will be temporarily revoked from 9 August 2024 from 0000 hours to 2359 hours. During the stated period, no public assembly or public procession may be held at the Speakers’ Corner without a Police permit under the Public Order Act 2009. A public entertainment license under the Public Entertainments Act 1958 will also be required for the provision of public entertainment at the location during the stated period.

Security Restrictions within the Special Zone

There will be heightened security measures within the Special Zone. The Police will conduct security checks and screening on all persons and vehicles entering, or within the Special Zone. The Police will also have the powers to refuse entry to, or remove a person from, the Special Zone, if necessary.


The Police seek the cooperation of members of the public to comply with all orders issued by police officers for NDP 2024. Persons who engage in activities that compromise safety and security within the Special Event Area or the Special Zone will be dealt with firmly in accordance with the law. 

Annex A

  Map of the Special Event Area ▼


Hong Lim Park (Speakers’ Corner)
The Special Event Area (outlined in black) is bounded by the following (commencing from the southern-most point and proceeding in a clockwise manner).


Annex B

Map of the Special Zone ▼


The Special Zone (outlined in black) is bounded by the following (commencing from the southern-most point and proceeding in a clockwise manner).


Annex C

List of Prohibited Items ▼

  1. Any noxious or offensive substance.
  2. A marine flare and signal, landing flare, highway fuse, smoke generator, distress signal or other pyrotechnic device intended for signalling, warning, rescue or similar purposes.
  3. Any petroleum or flammable material within the meaning of the Fire Safety (Petroleum and Flammable Materials) Regulations 2020.
  4. An explosive within the meaning of the Arms and Explosives Act 1913.
  5. Any arms within the meaning of the Arms and Explosives Act 1913.
  6. An item capable of attaching a person to an object or another person, or preventing removal of any locking or connecting device.
  7. An aerosol paint container or other implement or substance that is capable of being used to mark graffiti.
  8. Any sound amplification device, such as a loud hailer.
  9. Any of the following things that contains or displays any message, picture or image, or any explicit or implicit reference or comment that can reasonably be regarded as intended to demonstrate support for or opposition to the views or actions of any person, group of persons or any government, to publicise a cause or campaign, or to mark or commemorate any event:
    1. a banner;
    2. a flag;
    3. a placard;
    4. a T-shirt or any other article of apparel;
    5. an umbrella;
    6. an inflatable object.


  10. Any public address system, electronic equipment, broadcast equipment or similar device which may interfere with broadcast equipment or similar devices being used by
    1. the event organiser of the special event or police officers at or for the special event; or
    2. any other person, authorised by the event organiser or under the Act, to use broadcast equipment or similar devices at or for the special event.


  11. A remotely piloted aircraft system for a remotely piloted aircraft, comprising –
    1. the remotely piloted aircraft;
    2. every remote pilot station associated with the remotely piloted aircraft containing the equipment used to pilot that aircraft;
    3. the command and control links between the remotely piloted aircraft and its remote pilot station or stations and other command; and
    4. any other components, as specified in the type design of the remotely piloted aircraft system, to fly that aircraft.


02 August 2024 @ 5:30 PM
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