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There will be a change of command at Protective Security Command (ProCom) on 7 October 2024. 

Assistant Commissioner of Police (AC) Victor Ho (何咏峰) will assume command of Protective Security Command (ProCom) on 7 October 2024. He takes over from AC Sherrin Chua (蔡彦鑫), who has assumed the post of Director, Community Partnership Department.

AC Ho, 49, joined the Singapore Police Force (SPF) in 1999. He has served 25 years with the SPF and has held several key appointments including Director (Crisis Preparedness Directorate) of the Joint Operations Group in the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Deputy Commander of Police Security Command, Deputy Commander of Police Operations Command Centre, and Deputy Director of Strategic Plans and Resource at the National Security Coordination Secretariat under the Prime Minister’s Office.

AC Chua, 48, who was appointed Commander of ProCom on 10 August 2022, joined the SPF in 2000. During her 24 years of service with the SPF, she has held several key appointments including Deputy Director in the Police Logistics Department, Deputy Director (Resource Management) in the Planning & Organisation Department, and Deputy Director of the Security Policy Division under the Joint Operations Group in the MHA.

As Commander of ProCom, AC Chua championed several initiatives to enhance ProCom’s operational readiness and National Service (NS) experience. This includes the integration of the 12-year ProCom NS journey of NS full-time officers and their service as ProCom NSmen. This ensures a seamless process to prepare ProCom NS officers to respond to national emergencies, and identifies future NSmen leaders during their full time national service. She also introduced the Enhanced Tactical Training that allowed officers to train in realistic environments and enhanced their operational competencies. She also led numerous joint exercises and patrols with stakeholders to improve interoperability in preparation for public security scenarios.

Reflecting on her stint as Commander of ProCom, AC Chua said, "Serving as the Commander of ProCom has been my greatest honour. Throughout my stint, I have been continually impressed by the unwavering dedication, resilience and professionalism of our ProCom officers. I am particularly proud of the ProCom team for their collaborative spirit and strong sense of camaraderie. Their ability to embrace technological innovation and forge strong partnerships with our stakeholders have also been key in enhancing our operational capabilities and readiness. I am immensely grateful to have led such an exceptional group of individuals who have provided me with their strongest support. Their sacrifices, often unnoticed by the public, have been vital in safeguarding our nation's peace and security. I also want to thank our stakeholders and partners for their invaluable support in forging a robust coordination and communication network, which is critical in ensuring the safety and security of Singapore. My command stint has been incredibly rewarding. I am certain that AC Ho will propel the team to new heights.”

AC Sherrin Chua handing over the Command Sword to Commissioner of Police (CP) Hoong Wee Teck during the Change of Command Ceremony


AC Victor Ho taking over the Command Sword from CP Hoong Wee Teck during the Change of Command Ceremony


Group photo of CP Hoong Wee Teck, AC Sherrin Chua, and AC Victor Ho



25 September 2024 @ 8:55 PM
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