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Six persons, aged between 17 and 20, will be charged in court on 9 October 2024 for multiple offences under the Road Traffic (Bicycles, Three-wheeled Pedal Cycles, Trishaws, and Recumbent Devices - Road Conduct) Rules, the Road Traffic (Bicycles, Three-wheeled Pedal Cycles, Trishaws and Recumbent Devices - Construction and Use) Rules 2024, and the Road Traffic Act 1961.

On 10 May 2024, the group of six cyclists were riding along Scotts Road and Orchard Road allegedly in a manner that endangered both their own safety and that of other road users. They failed to ride along the far left-hand edge of the road and were observed to be riding in between lanes and performing stunts. Two cyclists rode their bicycles without wearing suitable protective bicycle helmets and one cyclist rode a bicycle which did not have a brake. Another cyclist was using his mobile phone while riding.
All six cyclists will be charged for not riding close to the left-hand edge of the road under Rule 8 of the Road Traffic (Bicycles, Three-wheeled Pedal Cycles, Trishaws, and Recumbent Devices - Road Conduct) Rules. Of the six cyclists, five of them will also be charged for failing to ride in an orderly manner under Rule 10 and two of them will be charged for riding a bicycle on the road without wearing a suitable protective bicycle helmet under Rule 14(a) of the same Rules. One of them will be charged for using a bicycle not equipped with a working handbrake under Rule 5(1) of the Road Traffic (Bicycles, Three-wheeled Pedal Cycles, Trishaws and Recumbent Devices - Construction and Use) Rules 2024 and one of them will be charged for using a mobile communication device while riding under Section 65B(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1961.

The offence of failing to ride close to the left-hand edge of the road under Rule 8 of the Road Traffic (Bicycles, Three-wheeled Pedal Cycles, Trishaws, and Recumbent Devices - Road Conduct) Rules carries a fine up to $1,000, a jail term up to three months, or both. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction, the offence carries a fine up to $2,000 or a jail term up to six months, or both. 

The offence of failing to ride in an orderly manner under Rule 10 of the Road Traffic (Bicycles, Three-wheeled Pedal Cycles, Trishaws, and Recumbent Devices - Road Conduct) Rules carries a fine up to $1,000, or a jail term up to three months, or both. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction, the offence carries a fine up to $2,000 or a jail term up to six months, or both. 

The offence of failing to wear a suitable protective bicycle helmet under Rule 14(a) of the Road Traffic (Bicycles, Three-wheeled Pedal Cycles, Trishaws, and Recumbent Devices - Road Conduct) Rules carries a fine up to $1,000 or a jail term up to three months, or both. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction, the offence carries a fine up to $2,000 or a jail term up to six months, or both. 

The offence of using a bicycle not equipped with a working brake under the Rule 5(1) of the Road Traffic (Bicycles, Three-wheeled Pedal Cycles, Trishaws and Recumbent Devices - Construction and Use) Rules 2024 carries a fine of up to $1,000 or a jail term up to three months, or both. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction, the offence carries a fine up to $2,000 or a jail term up to six months, or both.

The offence of using a mobile communication device while riding under Section 65B (1) of the Road Traffic Act 1961 carries a fine of up to $1,000 or a jail term up to six months, or both. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction, the offence carries a fine up to $2,000 or a jail term up to 12 months, or both. 

The Police would like to remind all cyclists to abide by the rules and guidelines, for their safety and the safety of others. They must: 

  • Obey all traffic signals and travel in the same direction as the flow of traffic 
  • Wear a helmet when cycling on roads
  • Always ride as close as practicable to the left-hand edge of roads, and allow traffic to overtake them safely
  • Cycle in a single file on single-lane roads, and during bus lane operational hours
  • Switch on front white and rear red lights in the dark
  • Always use bicycle lanes when available, and do not use any other part of the roadway
  • Keep to a maximum length of 5 bicycles when riding in groups, which means a maximum of 5 cyclists if riding in single file, or 10 cyclists if riding two abreast (only on roads with more than one lane) 
  • Not use mobile communication devices while riding
  • Not cycle on expressways, road tunnels and selected viaducts

The Traffic Police will continue to conduct enforcement operations against errant cyclists. We will not hesitate to take action and deal with the offenders in accordance with the law.


08 October 2024 @ 4:20 PM
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