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  • I-Witness
Published 28 August 2020
3-min Read

To enhance our operational effectiveness against COVID-19, the SPF has deployed autonomous robots and UAVs at migrant worker dormitories.

By: Irwan Shah

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More than 3,000 SPF officers have been deployed to support the nation’s battle against COVID-19. Now, new tech is being rolled out to ensure that dormitory operations are well-managed.

Robots on the Ground

With their ability to patrol routes without supervision, two Multi-purpose All Terrain Autonomous Robot (MATAR) 3.0 units have been deployed at Changi Lodge 2 Dormitory and Toh Guan Dormitory to complement Police officers as they conduct foot patrols and project Police presence.

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MATAR 3.0 on deployment.

MATAR 3.0 helps keep dormitories safe by ensuring that safe distancing measures are observed. “This is a deterrent role,” explained Assistant Superintendent of Police Teo Wan Ling, OIC of Team C at Changi Lodge 2. “When residents see MATAR 3.0 patrolling, they tend to adhere to safe distancing measures.”

As MATAR is able to perform a range of automated routine tasks, it also minimises the need for officers to come into close contact with dormitory residents, lowering the risk of infection.

New and Improved

The functions of MATAR 3.0 have surpassed that of its predecessors. Working closely with research institutes and industry partners, the Singapore Police Force and Home Team Science and Technology Agency conducted trials to develop the robot from the first-generation MATAR. The current version comes in two variants, each with its own set of unique gadgets. 

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MATAR 3.0 with a pan-tilt-zoom camera.

One variant has a pan-tilt-zoom camera, which extends to two metres and provides 360-degree surveillance coverage. The video feed is livestreamed to the Police Operations Command Centre, providing real-time footage from the frontline to assist in sense-making.

This variant also has a two-way communication feature that allows officers on the ground to communicate with officers at command centres. It has also been used to remind dormitory residents to observe safe distancing measures.

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The Police UAV with its “live” video feed capabilities.

The second variant of MATAR 3.0 has a tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which can soar up to 30 metres, providing enhanced aerial surveillance capabilities. The UAV can transmit a “live” video feed direct to Police command centres.

Eyes in the Sky

The SPF has also deployed UAVs to support dormitory operations at Kranji Lodge Dormitory and Cassia@Penjuru Dormitory. These UAVs function as contactless patrols and serve to reduce the frequency of Police patrols on-site. The UAVs are used to conduct aerial surveillance of the perimeter of these dormitories, detecting anomalies such as crowd gathering or trespassing, allowing officers to better respond to incidents on the ground.

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SPF UAV pilots preparing for flight.

“Our responsibilities are to support the in-situ officers in dormitories by complementing their patrol with aerial surveillance,” explained Station Inspector Jason Quek, a UAV pilot. “During the UAV patrol, we can remind migrant workers, through the UAV’s speakers, not to congregate at open areas and to wear their masks at all times.”

Always Evolving

Since they were first deployed in 2016, the SPF’s UAVs have undergone continued improvements to meet new operational challenges. The Sky Aerial Response Command (SkyARC), which was unveiled during the Police Workplan Seminar in 2019, marks a new step in this development. The SkyARC (which has also been deployed for dormitory operations) is equipped with UAVs that are capable of advanced aerial surveillance in different terrain, acting as a mobile UAV response force. 

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SPF pilots operating the UAV.

Other UAV applications are also in the works. The Home Team UAV Unit is currently working with specialist units such as the Criminal Investigation Department and the Traffic Police to develop 3D scanning tools in UAVs for scene reconstruction. The Unit is also embracing artificial intelligence to apply analytics to UAV footage.

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