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  • I-Witness
Published 28 March 2022
3-min Read

Making a difference as a VSC officer.

By: Domnic Dass

The Passion and Pride of a Volunteer Officer 01

The Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) was formed in 1946 to support the Singapore Police Force (SPF) in restoring law and order after World War II. VSC officers work alongside Police officers and contribute significantly to maintaining law and order in Singapore.


Police Life speaks with VSC Sergeant (Sgt)(V) Yvonne Chua, who serves at Rochor Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC). Read on to find out more about her passion for volunteering!


What’s your profession?

I work as a real estate sales consultant. However, at night, I’m a VSC Ground Response Force officer with Rochor NPC, conducting patrols and engaging in other policing duties.


When did you first learn about the VSC vocation, and what motivated you to sign up as a VSC officer?

I’ve always wanted to contribute to society and help people in need. One day, I chanced upon the VSC website, and I thought I could also contribute to safeguarding our community as a VSC officer. I began my Police training in 2013 and started performing VSC duties in March 2014.


Tell us about your colleagues at Rochor NPC.

I’m very blessed to have supportive regular colleagues at Rochor NPC who treat the volunteer officers as one of their own. We do everything the regular officers do – even down to keying in our Police log sheets. We’re vested with the powers of a Police officer and undergo six months of non-residential training covering basic legal knowledge, policing procedures, Police Defence Tactics, first aid and the use of firearms. We must be as competent as regular officers in order to carry out our duties effectively.


What’s your most memorable experience as a VSC officer?

I’ve had opportunities to support anti-crime operations such as checks on unlicensed massage establishments.


Were your family members supportive of your decision to become a VSC officer?

I kept it a “secret” until the day I passed all the tests and interviews. When I broke the news to my family, they were both shocked and happy for me. My grandparents even encouraged me to sign on as a regular!


How do you juggle between your work and your volunteering commitments?

Many of my peers often joked that I have more than 24 hours in a day. They’re always amazed at how I can juggle my day job, VSC commitments, family and hobbies! This is only possible due to the flexibility that my day job provides, as it allows me to plan my work schedules and prioritise things to do each day.


How do you feel about contributing as a VSC officer to keep Singapore safe and secure?

I’m grateful for every opportunity to contribute as a VSC officer and have gained invaluable life skills and experiences. My experience with the VSC has taught me a lot about how to be aware of my surroundings and better prepare myself mentally in times of crisis. It has also helped me develop the abilities and toughness to do my part should unexpected situations arise.


What advice do you have to share with those interested in signing up as VSC officers?

There’s no better way to live life to the fullest than when you can do what you love in your day job and also experience something real and extraordinary as part of the SPF. We can make a difference to our society and loved ones as VSC officers. Don’t hesitate and go for it!


We can all play a part to keep Singapore safe and secure! Learn more about the Singapore Police Force’s volunteer schemes.

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