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  • I-Witness
Published 04 May 2022
3-min Read

A young officer reflects on the challenges, values and fulfilment of serving as a Police officer.

By: Domnic Dass and Justin Leong

On 21 April 2022, Training Command (TRACOM) held its first physical passing out parade in almost two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the spotlight was the 186th National Service (NS) Intake.

TSC firash ns55 profile photo

At each passing out parade, two awards are presented – the Best Trainee Award and the prestigious Statuette Award. The Best Trainee Award is presented to a Police National Service (PNSF) officer who topped his squad in terms of total marks attained for his training (in Professional Studies; Operational Fitness; and Peer and Supervisor Appraisal).

The Statuette Award is presented to the PNSF officer who topped the whole intake in the above criteria. Police Life spoke to Trainee Special Constable (TSC) Muhammad Firash Aiman Bin Faisal, who received the Best Trainee Award and beat 14 other Best Trainee recipients to receive the Statuette Award!

What were your impressions of NS before joining the Singapore Police Force (SPF)?

I looked at it as another chapter in my life journey and believed that NS will benefit me both physically and mentally.

Why do you feel that NS is important?

It strengthens and safeguards our country. During my Police Officer Basic Course (POBC), I learned important life skills and knowledge which are valuable and applicable in our daily lives. The things you learn from POBC also improve your character and give you a better perspective of the world. I’ve also realised the importance of values such as discipline, and especially the SPF’s core values of courage, loyalty, integrity and fairness.

How was your journey throughout the POBC?

Honestly, it was a roller-coaster ride. It was exciting but physically demanding. One of our main challenges was going through POBC during the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure the safety of trainees, there were occasions when we did home-based learning. The pandemic also affected our course completion, given that sessions for shooting and Police Contact Training had to be pushed back.

Another challenge that I faced was taking on the responsibilities of a Squad IC. As IC, you need to lead and handle interpersonal issues such as morale and teamwork. It was a good thing that I was in a uniformed group while in secondary school, so I was able to apply leadership skills and knowledge that I’d learnt previously.

TSC Firash receiving the award from GOH
TSC Firash receiving the Statuette Award from Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of National Development, Assoc Prof Dr Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, during the 186th NS Intake passing out parade on 21 April 2022.

How does it feel to receive these two prestigious awards?

I received a great deal of support from my family, squadmates, Course Managers and Fitness Instructors. I feel honoured and humbled to receive these awards. My family is also proud of my achievements.

I’d also like to share these honours with my squadmates from NS78/2021. None of this would have been possible without their tremendous support.

Finally, it was my Course Manager, Senior Station Inspector Mohammad Jufri Bin Sulaiman, who guided me and pushed me to give my best. Above all, I want to apply what I’ve learnt and do my best when serving my NS.

What’s the most important thing you learnt from your NS experience?

There were many lessons, but one significant thing I learnt is to have a positive mindset. With this, we can think more optimistically, which will drive us further. It also allows us to set an end goal for ourselves, to progress in every moment, and to push through.

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