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  • I-Witness
Published 01 July 2022
2-min Read

Saluting our dedicated officers on the ground!

By: Kamal Hakim

Police Life 072022 My Duty My Calling 01

SGT Ayden Goh and SGT(V) Nick Koh

SGT Ayden Goh (A): This incident happened on 15 Aug 2021. Nick and I overheard a member of the public informing our counter officer that she saw an elderly man at one of the blocks nearby who looked like he needed some assistance.

V/SGT Nick Koh (N): Ayden and I quickly headed over to see if we could offer help.

A: We soon found the elderly man sitting on a bench under one of the blocks. He looked to be in his seventies and seemed a little short of breath. He was unable to tell us his address.

N: We learnt that he had lodged a report regarding his missing phone at the NPC earlier, so we checked with our counter officer for his address and details of his next-of-kin.

A: We helped him up but he suddenly lost consciousness and collapsed on me. I quickly grabbed hold of him before he hit the floor.

N: We checked for his pulse. There was no breathing. We had to act fast and I immediately initiated CPR on him. Although this was my first time doing so, I was surprised that I did not have any fear and my first-aid training had kicked in allowing me to act instantly.

A: While Nick was attending to the man, I called for an ambulance and relayed the information to the rest of my team. I then rushed to grab the nearest AED and set it up as Nick continued to do the compressions.

N: I knew that these first few minutes were extremely crucial and my thoughts were just focused on saving the man.

A: Yes, the reality struck me that his life was at stake.

N: Paramedics soon arrived but we were still unable to resuscitate him before he was conveyed to the hospital.

A: I felt quite affected by the whole incident. I found myself asking whether there was anything else we could have done more or have acted sooner. Nick came to assure me that we did the best we could.

N: To our relief, we were informed afterwards that the man had survived and was recovering in hospital. It felt like a weight had been lifted from our shoulders.

A: I was barely two years in the Force when I came across this incident. I believe it helped shape me in becoming a better officer.

N: My experience as a Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) officer has been invaluable. It has allowed me to experience first-hand on what it means to be a police officer when fighting crime as well as protecting life and property.

A: At the end of the day, I’m just glad and happy that the elderly man is alive and well.

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