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  • I-Witness
Published 03 October 2022
3-min Read

Flying high and going deep in the name of protection.

By: Domnic Dass

The Police Security Command (SecCom) is tasked with ensuring the safety and security of VIPs who require protection. One of SecCom’s core duties is to conduct search operations to look for explosive devices or security threats at the site of major events, to safeguard protectees, guests and participants.

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SecCom officers must undergo the necessary training to become certified UAV operators. PHOTOS: Roger Yue III

Eyes in the Sky

SecCom uses UAVs to conduct visual checks of rooftops and other high-rise facilities. This allows officers to conduct real-time surveillance to identify any suspicious items or abnormalities.

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The UAV transmits a live video feed to the UAV operator’s remote display device.

With the deployment of UAVs, SecCom has been able to achieve a faster and better search overview while ensuring the safety of officers who perform such operations in high-rise areas.

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A live video feed from the UAV showing the rooftop of a building. This helps the officers detect any security threats or suspicious objects in hard-to-reach areas quickly.

The MiniX: A Tunnel Raider Robot

One of the most challenging tasks for those conducting searches is checking underground facilities. To help officers, HTX worked with SecCom to develop a compact RCV system for underground search operations.

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SecCom and HTX officers demonstrating how the MiniX is deployed into a sewage drain.

 The MiniX is designed to manoeuvre drains with ease and to scan narrow subterranean spaces. It sends video footage back to a remote Ground Control Station (GCS). With the MiniX, SecCom officers can effectively conduct searches of underground facilities and tunnels, reducing the need for physical entry into such spaces.

How Does the MiniX Work?

The MiniX is firstly deployed physically into the drain or tunnel by a SecCom officer. As the MiniX proceeds through the narrow passageways, controlled by its operator above, it sends its video footage to the GCS.

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The MiniX moving effortlessly through a narrow drain.

SecCom and HTX are currently working to incorporate Video Analytics (VA) capabilities into the MiniX, to help identify any suspicious objects it may come across. To improve the accuracy of the VA system, HTX regularly collates images of suspicious objects found in similar environments to “train” the AI algorithms in detection and recognition. Any suspicious object found will be flagged to the operator, alerting him to the potential danger.

Key Features of the MiniX

  • It’s tough! The MiniX’s electronic components are housed in a durable, water-resistant chassis made of aluminium.

  • It’s responsive! A dual-communications system allows the MiniX to be operated in different environments. All-terrain tires make it easier for the MiniX to manoeuvre through sandy or wet terrain.

  • It’s configurable! The MiniX can take on different payloads such as headlights and safety lines.

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An operator using the GCS to control the MiniX. VA is used to detect suspicious objects.

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