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  • I-Witness
Published 27 February 2023
3-min Read

For Police officers, keeping fit is all part of the job. In Our SPF Fit series, meet those who’re taking their physical conditioning and health to the next level!

By: Seah Hwee Khan

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Each month, Police Life will feature a Singapore Police Force (SPF) officer with a passion for fitness! Meet Sergeant (Sgt) Suwandi Goh, who has consistently attained Gold awards for his Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT). Find out how he stays fit!

Please tell us a bit about yourself!

I’m a Ground Response Force (GRF) officer with the Airport Police Division (APD). I’m 31 years old and have been with the SPF for six years. I’m also a certified SPF Physical Training Instructor.

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Sgt Goh says that being fit helps him to be more effective at his job.

Tell us about your work at APD.

As a GRF officer with APD, I patrol and attend to crime and security incidents within the airport’s jurisdiction, which includes both Changi and Seletar airports.

What activities do you enjoy when you’re off duty?

I enjoy reading about different cultures, watching documentaries on travel and history, practising calisthenics and running. I’m also interested in learning new languages! Aside from English and Mandarin, I speak some Japanese as well. Knowing multiple languages is very helpful when you have to communicate with travellers in the airport!

Describe your fitness routine to us.

I run 3 to 5km about three times a week and I do stairs training once a week, running up 11 storeys, for seven repetitions. Why 11 storeys? Because I live on the 11th floor! I make sure I take the lift down though, because the repeated impact from coming down so many steps can be bad for the ankles and knees in the long run.

I practise pull-ups about five times a day, doing about 12 to 20 pull-ups each time. I also do around 40 sit-ups and crunches each day.

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Sgt Goh doing his daily crunches. He believes that consistent and regular exercise is the key to fitness.

Have you always been fit? What motivated you to get fit?

I used to be skinny as a teenager and didn’t exercise regularly! During my NS days I was inspired to start working out after watching documentaries about endurance training.

Besides helping me do my work as an officer effectively, being fit also helps me to maintain my mental and emotional health. Exercise is also a way of pushing and challenging myself to improve further.

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Sgt Goh says being fit not only helps him do his job better, but it also helps maintain mental and emotional health.

What’s your advice for those who want to start improving their fitness?

Start out small with activities or sports that you enjoy, with five to 10 minutes of daily exercises, such as sit-ups or push-ups, then gradually increase the intensity and effort. Regular exercise is important to maintain fitness.

A healthy diet, hydration and sleep are also essential for recovery after exercising. Finally, be patient as building up fitness takes time, and remain focused on your fitness goals. Keeping in shape helps you stay healthy and helps reduce the risk of cognitive-related diseases, so it pays to stay fit.

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Sgt Goh training in his neighbourhood fitness corner (left), and with his APD colleagues at the PSA Endurance Sports 2022 X-Fit Challenge. (PHOTOS: Contributed by Sgt Goh)

What’s your fitness goal for 2023?

I can currently do 25 to 27 pull-ups, and I’d like to be able to do 35. I’m also working on hitting below 9.5 minutes for my 2.4km run. I also want to pick up Krav Maga too!

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