Police Life follows Rochor NPC’s Sgt Nivetha Vijayakumar who watches over the community during Deepavali’s festive weekend!
By: Domnic Dass
Deepavali symbolises the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil, and is a celebration embraced worldwide for its joyful rituals, vibrant decorations and mouthwatering feasts. This Deepavali, Police Life goes on patrol with Sergeant (Sgt) Nivetha Vijayakumar, a dedicated officer from Rochor Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) who’s committed to ensuring the safety and security of the community during the festive season.
What motivated you to join the Force and what was your training like?
I've been inspired by the dedication of Singapore Police Force (SPF) officers since childhood. This fuelled a lifelong passion in me to make a positive impact on my community. So I took the plunge and applied to join the SPF in 2022.
During our six-month-long Basic Police Officer’s Course, we learnt about subjects such as law, police procedures, Police Contact Tactics and firearms. After graduating, I completed an attachment as a Ground Response Force (GRF) officer at Choa Chu Kang NPC before joining Rochor NPC in February 2023.
What are your roles and responsibilities as a GRF officer?
We’re the first responders to “999” emergency calls, and we conduct patrols in neighbourhoods and public areas to project Police presence, assist victims of crime and provide security for major public events.
Conditions during the festive period can be dynamic, given the crowds and so on. How do you maintain your focus while patrolling?
We work hard to build a connection with residents, festive participants and vendors. We’ll check in on them and remind them to celebrate safely. A simple gesture, like asking about their well-being, can brighten their day — that's our mission on the ground.
What drove you to volunteer for patrol during this Deepavali festive weekend?
My team is extremely supportive and had asked me to consider taking leave, but I felt that my Tamil language skills would be helpful during this period.
How does your family support you during this period?
My family understands my responsibilities and recognise that for officers, duty never takes a break. As this is my first year as an officer, this Deepavali is unique. Instead of visiting relatives, I’ll be with my team, my extended family, watching over everyone while they celebrate. At day’s end, I’ll go back to my family for a belated celebration with my heart full, knowing I’ve fulfilled my duty.
What do you look out for when patrolling during Deepavali?
Festive participants seem to be going the extra mile this year – enjoying quality family time and soaking in the vibes at the Deepavali Bazaar. We not only ensure safety on the roads and pedestrian walkways but also keep an eye on those who, captivated by the decorations and lights, perhaps become less aware of their surroundings.
What would you like to share with fellow frontliners this Deepavali?
Let’s ensure that everyone has a happy and safe festive period. And for all of you celebrating Deepavali, have a great time with your families. Wishing everyone a joyful Deepavali!