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  • I-Witness
Published 12 March 2024
2-min Read
Police Life 032024 Lima is Five 01

The youngest Land Division in the Singapore Police Force, Woodlands Police Division, also known as “Lima” Division, celebrated its fifth anniversary on 12 March 2024!

By: SPF Insider

The Woodlands Police Division of the Singapore Police Force (SPF), known fondly as Lima, recently commemorated a significant milestone—its fifth anniversary. The event was a poignant reflection on the Division’s journey, achievements, and the strong bonds that have been forged among its officers.

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Commander AC Ang Eng Seng and DC (I&I) How Kwang Hwee make their hand impressions as part of the “Lima is 5” celebrations!

Making an Impression
A highlight of the celebration was the moment when Guest of Honour Deputy Commissioner of Police (Investigation and Intelligence), DC (I&I) How Kwang Hwee and Commander, Assistant Commissioner of Police (AC) Ang Eng Seng cast their hand impressions together.

This symbolic “high-five” underscored the cohesive teamwork and culture that resonates among the officers of Woodlands Police Division. It was a day of unity and camaraderie for the officers, as they were among the pioneers that shaped and guided the culture of the youngest Land Division in the SPF.

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Various booths set up by officers from Woodlands Police Division to showcase their innovation initiatives to DC I&I.

Showcasing Innovation and Excellence
Officers also had the opportunity to present their innovation initiatives, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement within Woodlands Police Division.

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The officers of Woodlands Police Division at the “Lima is 5” celebrations!

Looking ahead, Woodlands Police Division remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and service. Here's to five years of unwavering commitment, and to many more years of safeguarding the community with diligence and distinction!

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