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  • I-Witness
Published 02 May 2024
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Officers, Cadet Inspectors and Cadets delivered an impressive display of skill and dedication at this year’s NPCC Annual Parade!

By: Rose Maswida

The NPCC Annual Parade 2024. PHOTO: Rose Maswida and Ryan Yeo
The NPCC Annual Parade 2024. PHOTOS: Rose Maswida and Ryan Yeo Kee Hng

The Cadets stood at attention, anticipation and pride showing on their faces. Months of hard work perfecting their drills and performances had led to this moment, and into delivering a Parade that would captivate their families, friends and guests.

Scenes from the Parade. PHOTOS: Alethea Lee and Ryan Yeo
Scenes from the Parade. PHOTOS: Alethea Lee and Ryan Yeo Kee Hng

We were at the Home Team Academy (HTA) for this year’s National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) Annual Parade. Held on 27 April 2024, this year’s Parade had the theme “Forging Bonds, Pursuing Dreams,” and marked the 65th anniversary of the NPCC.

Established in 1959, the NPCC is one of Singapore’s longest-standing uniformed youth organisations. Its mission is to develop NPCC members to become active citizens and community leaders, by working in partnership with the Singapore Police Force (SPF).

A sterling performance by the NPCC Band from Yishun Town Secondary School. PHOTO: Ryan Yeo
A sterling performance by the NPCC Band from Yishun Town Secondary School. PHOTO: Ryan Yeo Kee Hng

The NPCC has approximately 10,000 Cadets across 125 secondary schools. This year, 611 Cadet participants from 124 NPCC school units took part in the Parade, together with over 200 Teacher Officers, Honorary Officers and Cadet Inspectors.

At the grandstand, were many families and friends of the Cadets who’d come to show their support on this very special day. The Yishun Town Secondary School NPCC Band kickstarted the event by delivering a captivating performance.

H/Insp Muhamad Diniy, Parade Commander. PHOTO: Rose Maswida
H/Insp Muhamad Diniy, Parade Commander. PHOTO: Rose Maswida

The Parade Commander was Honorary Inspector (H/Insp) Muhamad Diniy Fitri Bin Mohamed. He first began his NPCC journey during his National Service in 2020 when he was an NPCC Field Instructor. Driven by his passion for the Corps, he took on the role of an honorary officer in 2023.

“Looking at my mentor and former Parade Commanders, what struck me was their ability to inspire Cadets,” expressed H/Insp Diniy. “This was what motivated me to take on the role as a Parade Commander. My goal for this year was not only to lead, but to offer Cadets a fulfilling, memorable journey.”

SCI Darren Lim, P2IC. PHOTO: Rose Maswida
SCI Darren Lim, P2IC. PHOTO: Rose Maswida

The Parade Second-in-Command (P2IC) was Senior Cadet Inspector (SCI) Darren Lim. A former Cadet at Dunearn Secondary School, he continued to serve in the NPCC after graduating, and was the Parade Guard of Honour Commander in 2023.

“Growing up, I always wanted to be a Police officer, so I thought NPCC would be a great place for me to start my journey,” shared SCI Lim. “The bonds we’ve forged through training are very meaningful and it’s incredibly fulfilling to see the Cadets bring back what they’ve learned here to their units.”

Ms Gan Siow Huang addressing the Cadets at the Parade. PHOTO: Ryan Yeo
Ms Gan Siow Huang addressing the Cadets at the Parade. PHOTO: Ryan Yeo Kee Hng

Reviewing the Parade this year was Ms Gan Siow Huang, Minister of State, Ministry of Education & Ministry of Manpower. Ms Gan noted how far the NPCC has come since it was established and how it has fulfilled its mission.

“The NPCC continues to grow from strength to strength, as it pursues its founding mission of strengthening trust and relationships between the SPF and Singaporeans, moulding NPCC cadets into active citizens and community leaders,” noted Ms Gan. “Remember, you’re the ones who would eventually shape Singapore’s future.”

Families and friends of Cadets gather to witness the Parade. PHOTOS: Rose Maswida and Ryan Yeo
Families and friends of Cadets gather to witness the Parade. PHOTOS: Rose Maswida and Ryan Yeo Kee Hng

Throughout the Parade, families and friends of the Cadets beamed with joy and pride in the stands. “It means a lot to me that my family is supporting me today,” shared H/Insp Diniy, echoing the sentiments of many Cadets at the Parade. “The training was challenging, but we all shared the same goal, which was to present a memorable Parade. That was what fuelled our passion.”

The NPCC Precision Squad Drill in action. PHOTO: Rose Maswida
The NPCC Precision Drill Squad in action. PHOTOS: Alethea Lee, Rose Maswida, Ryan Yeo Kee Hng

Among the memorable moments of this year’s Parade was a performance by the NPCC Precision Drill Squad. Comprising Cadets and volunteers from various school units, the Squad showcased its remarkable precision and teamwork, seamlessly executing rifle-handling skills with synchronised choreography.

Unit Overall Proficiency Awards Recipients 2024. PHOTOS: Alethea Lee
Unit Overall Proficiency Awards Recipients 2024. PHOTOS: Alethea Lee

At this year’s Parade, Unit Overall Proficiency Awards were also presented to secondary school NPCC units that had demonstrated excellence and efficiency in three domains: Core Programmes, Unit Performance and Innovative Curriculum.

Cadets carrying their school flags for the march-past. PHOTO: Ryan Yeo
Cadets carrying their school flags for the march-past. PHOTO: Ryan Yeo Kee Hng

Congratulations to the Unit Overall Proficiency Award recipients, and to all the Cadets who gave their best for the NPCC Annual Parade 2024. Well done, Cadets, and may you continue to excel and inspire others on your NPCC journey!

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