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  • I-Witness
Published 27 May 2024
3-min Read

As the Chairperson of the Paracounsellor Committee, DAC Teo Wee Meng is committed to fostering a culture of care and well-being within the Force.

By: Alethea Lee

DAC Teo Wee Meng is the longest-serving Chairperson of the SPF’s Paracounsellor Committee. PHOTOS: Alethea Lee
DAC Teo Wee Meng is the longest-serving Chairperson of the SPF’s Paracounsellor Committee. PHOTOS: Alethea Lee

As 3 Deputy Director (Technology), Operations Department, at the Singapore Police Force (SPF), Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police (DAC) Teo Wee Meng seeks to support fellow officers’ mental well-being. Taking on the role of Chairperson of the Paracounsellor Committee since 2020, DAC Teo shares why he firmly believes in the importance of providing a listening ear to support officers in need.

Can you share more about your journey in the SPF and how it led you to become a paracounsellor?
I joined the SPF in 2001 and assumed the role of a paracounsellor in 2003. Prior to joining the Operations Department, I was the Deputy Commander of Bedok Police Division and I’ve spent most part of my career doing investigative work.

During the initial phase of my career, I’ve witnessed officers encountering challenges either at work or in their personal lives. These observations convinced me to do more to detect when officers are in distress, to better support them.

What are your duties as the Chairperson of the Paracounsellor Committee?
Together with my Vice-Chairperson and our subcommittees, we oversee the various paracounsellors’ workstreams, which include publicity, recruitment, continuous training and appointment ceremonies. Our closest partner is the Police Psychological Services Department (PPSD), which we have a very close working relationship with.

What are some of the significant changes you’ve implemented as Chairperson?
Initially, our focus was on recruiting paracounsellors; we now have over 400 across various units in the SPF. Now, our attention has shifted to enhancing the skills of our paracounsellors through milestone courses. We also continue to refine how we interview and assess candidates during our internal selection process.

What do you believe are some of the essential qualities a paracounsellor must possess?
A willingness to step forward and provide a listening ear. These are qualities that resonate with our paracounsellors, who signed up out of a passion to help their fellow officers.

What are some of the memorable moments from your paracounselling experience?
Among the most unforgettable moments are crises or operations where our paracounsellors have selflessly volunteered their time to support our fellow officers, when called upon. These instances have left a lasting impact on me. Witnessing fellow paracounsellors progress into becoming senior paracounsellors, or even paracounsellor coaches, is undeniably heartening, and makes me happy for them.

DAC Teo believes in the importance of looking out for fellow officers through everyday interactions.
DAC Teo believes in the importance of looking out for fellow officers through everyday interactions.
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"Showing concern to our fellow officers is something we should continue to prioritise.” - DAC Teo

What do you find rewarding about being a paracounsellor?
The best reward is when fellow officers say “thank you” to you with utmost sincerity; it’s a priceless moment!

What message would you like to convey to officers who may be hesitant to seek support?
Drawing from a term popularised in a popular Korean drama of the same name – “it’s okay to not be okay.” We’ve all encountered moments when life diverges from our expectations, including myself. We’ve all traversed paths where personal and work challenges arise, and it’s crucial not to hesitate in seeking support from our fellow officers. You don’t necessarily need to approach a paracounsellor; it could be a colleague you feel comfortable confiding in. I firmly believe that all Police officers will watch out for one another and provide help when needed!

SPF Paracounsellors’ Appointment and Awards Ceremony

On 15 February 2024, the PPSD and SPF Paracounselling Committee (ParaComm) held its annual SPF Paracounsellors’ Appointment and Awards Ceremony. At the Ceremony, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Policy) Jerry See presented appointment certificates to newly appointed paracounsellors, senior paracounsellors, unit Paracounsellor Team Leaders and ParaComm Subcommittee heads. At the close of the Ceremony, paracounsellors who were present stood to take the Paracounsellor Pledge, reaffirming their unwavering commitment to their mission and cause.

Read about Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police Bridget Goh’s journey as a veteran paracounsellor in Part 1 of “Walking Together as One SPF.”

Read about the paracounsellor team at the Criminal Investigation Department in Part 2 of “Walking Together as One SPF.”

Read about newly appointed paracounsellor Ms Jase Khoo from the Commercial Affairs Department in Part 3 of "Walking Together as One SPF."

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