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  • I-Witness
Published 28 June 2024
3-min Read

Sgt (V) Chang Min Xuan’s journey from crime dramas to real-life policing is a reminder that our passions can lead us to meaningful ventures!

By: Alethea Lee

Sgt (V) Chang Min Xuan has been a VSC volunteer since August 2023. GRAPHIC: Soh Ying Jie
Sgt (V) Chang Min Xuan has been a VSC volunteer since August 2023. GRAPHIC: Soh Ying Jie

The Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) was established in 1946 to augment Police officers in maintaining law and order. Vested with the same powers as Police officers, VSC officers work with regular counterparts from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) to safeguard the community.

This Youth Day, Police Life learns how Sergeant (Sgt) (V) Chang Min Xuan’s passion for giving back to the community and policing led her to join the VSC, and how she has grown in her volunteer journey!

What inspired you to volunteer as a VSC officer?
Since young, I enjoyed tuning in to crime dramas such as Crimewatch and reading mystery books, both of which sparked my interest in policing work. As I grew older, I started to appreciate the work that the SPF has done, for example, the feeling of safety that we have when we walk home alone at night. During a recruitment fair at my university, a VSC officer introduced me to the VSC scheme. I signed up immediately as it allows me to contribute to the society while fulfilling my dream of becoming a Police officer.

What’s your regular job when you’re not a VSC officer?
I’m a cybersecurity consultant in the private sector. My work involves identifying vulnerabilities in applications to help developers strengthen our security.

Sgt (V) Chang finds joy in volunteering as a VSC officer, which has allowed her to learn new skills and serve others more directly. PHOTO: Alethea Lee
Sgt (V) Chang finds joy in volunteering as a VSC officer, which has allowed her to learn new skills and serve others more directly. PHOTO: Alethea Lee

What do you do as a VSC officer?
I’ve been deployed at Woodlands East Neighbourhood Centre (NPC) since August 2023. As a Ground Response Force officer, I conduct patrols and attend to incidents within the NPC’s operational terrain. When attending to incidents, we’ll gather facts to understand the situation, ensure the safety of the people involved and enforce the law as necessary. I’m also grateful to have had the opportunities given to participate in major deployments such as the F1 Singapore Grand Prix and the May Day Rally.

How has your experience as a VSC officer impacted your life and personal growth?
Being a VSC officer has helped to broaden my perspective of policing work. I’ve also developed valuable skills like incident management, teamwork and communication. My batchmates, fellow VSC officers and regular officers that I’ve worked with have also become a valuable part of my life, imparting useful insights and supporting me through my VSC journey!

Sgt (V) Chang on patrol duties with her partner, Special Constable Koh Liang Zheng. PHOTO: Alethea Lee
Sgt (V) Chang on patrol duties with her partner, Special Constable Koh Liang Zheng. PHOTO: Alethea Lee

Can you share your most memorable experience as a VSC officer?
My first shift at Woodlands East NPC was unforgettable! I responded to a case of drunkenness in a public place and arrested a man who’d caused a scene. Later that night, we spotted an unconscious driver in his car and went to check on him. He eventually came to and we made sure he was attended to, ensuring his safety and that of others through our vigilance. It was a busy night that put my training to a test, but what stood out to me was the sense of duty I felt during those instances and the impact of our work as VSC officers!

 Sgt (V) Chang prioritises her responsibilities by finding a balance in her routine.  PHOTO: Sgt (V) Chang
Sgt (V) Chang prioritises her responsibilities by finding a balance in her routine. PHOTO: Sgt (V) Chang

How do you balance your personal goals and work while volunteering?
It’s all about setting priorities! As a young professional, I make it a point to strike a balance between my work and personal life. While advancing my career is crucial, I prioritise spending quality time with my family and friends. I also allocate time each month for volunteering, which allows me to make a difference to the community. It’s important to take care of ourselves and not take on more than we can handle. By learning to balance our commitments, we can always find time to volunteer.

What advice would you give to youths interested in joining the VSC?
Being a VSC officer has been such a unique and inspiring experience, and it has taught me so much! Besides helping me to hone my soft skills, it’s also given me the opportunity to connect with likeminded individuals who share my passion for making a positive impact. If you’re considering joining the VSC and are eager to contribute to the community, I encourage you to go for it! I’m sure you’ll find the experience as fulfilling as I have!

Volunteers in Blue

In this series, we spotlight our dedicated volunteers who serve with passion and commitment across various schemes within the SPF. Stay tuned for our next article! 

Ready to embark on a rewarding journey with the SPF and make a difference to the community? Find out how you can join the VSC here or visit our website to step up to a career that goes beyond.

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