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  • I-Witness
Published 02 July 2024
5-min Read

An inside look into the final milestone of the Senior Officer Basic Course, in this third instalment of “Learning to Lead”!

By: ASP Warren Liow

Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Warren Liow at the Senior Police Officers’ Mess on the day of his Graduation Ceremony, held on 6 June 2024. PHOTO: Rose Maswida
Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Warren Liow at the Senior Police Officers’ Mess on the day of his Graduation Ceremony, held on 6 June 2024. PHOTO: Rose Maswida

It’s been nine months since I started my Senior Officer Basic Course (SOBC), and I’m happy to say I’ve graduated!

Although there were moments of adversity and challenges, the experience has been truly rewarding. In this article, I’ll share my experience from our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) event and the final milestone of the SOBC – the Experiential Leadership Training.

Corporate Social Responsibility Event
As part of our community outreach programme, my squad organised a CSR event for senior citizens from a nursing home. We played games such as bingo and carnival activities, which brought back fond memories. Residents were also treated to a captivating magic show, performed by our talented Course Manager, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Jeremy Png.

It was a lively event filled with laughter and joy. I was happy that we could bring smiles to the residents’ faces, which in turn warmed our hearts!

A group photo with our in-house magician, DSP Jeremy Png, after a fun filled day. PHOTO: Koh Jing Han
A group photo with our in-house magician, DSP Jeremy Png, after a fun filled day. PHOTO: Koh Jing Han

Experiential Leadership Training (Local and Overseas)
For me, the finale of the SOBC – the six weeks of gruelling Experiential Leadership Training – was the toughest yet most enriching part of the entire leadership journey. Through our sweat, tears and weariness, I’m proud to declare that “C3-2023 has accomplished the mission as one!”

During the first two weeks, we underwent strenuous physical training sessions, including long-distance running and weighted backpack trekking, which pushed us to our limits. At the same time, our mental resilience was tested through prolonged operations planning and table-top exercises. In hindsight, the constant physical and mental fatigue we endured conditioned us for the overseas training and enhanced our resilience during difficult situations.

In the midst of a challenging mission. PHOTO: DSP Iszeraj Ibrahim
In the midst of a challenging mission. PHOTO: DSP Iszeraj Ibrahim

Each of us was given the opportunity to take on diverse leadership roles to assess our strengths and weaknesses. As part of peer-learning, a review session was conducted after each mission to allow the team to provide open feedback on the leader of the day. Through these valuable sharing sessions, we learnt a lot about our individual leadership competencies and areas for improvement.

The next phase, comprising a five-day Command Post Exercise, was held in a totally unfamiliar environment. The numerous taskings and challenging scenarios forced us out of our comfort zones. But with sheer determination and great teamwork, we managed to overcome every challenge, and eventually, achieved overall mission success!

One of the critical lessons I learnt from this episode was the importance of striking a balance between maintaining mission focus and caring for the team. While team morale is crucial for the success of a mission, too much affection will also lead to complacency and a lack of drive, which is detrimental during time-critical situations. Therefore, an effective leader must know how to apply the appropriate level of care while concurrently leading the team’s drive for mission success.

The final stretch of the experiential training was the overseas component in Nepal. We trekked and conducted after-action reviews as well as peer appraisal sessions.

At the highest point of our trek on Poon Hill in Nepal! PHOTO: ASP Warren Liow
At the highest point of our trek on Poon Hill in Nepal! PHOTO: ASP Warren Liow

Though the voyage was tough, we experienced the hospitality of the Nepalese people at various pit stops and learnt about the rich history and culture from various local trainers and museum visits.

Thankful for the guidance of our experienced Directing Staff, DSP Iszeraj Ibrahim and DSP Sarfoji Radah during the trip. PHOTO: ASP Warren Liow
Thankful for the guidance of our experienced Directing Staff, DSP Iszeraj Ibrahim and DSP Sarfoji Radah during the trip. PHOTO: ASP Warren Liow

I found the overseas training very enriching and gained valuable insights on leveraging my strengths to become a better leader. The constructive feedback from my trainers and fellow peers served as key takeaways for me – an effective leader must always be clear with his/her principles to be able to lead by example, both in crisis and peacetime.

The company of our guides, porters and other support staff during our trek made the trip truly unforgettable! PHOTO: ASP Warren Liow
The company of our guides, porters and other support staff during our trek made the trip truly unforgettable! PHOTO: ASP Warren Liow

The memories of the people we met in Nepal, the supporting staff who accompanied our contingent and the friends we made along the way – these will always hold a special place in my heart!

The End of One Journey (and the Start of Another)
At one point during the nine-month journey, I set up a countdown alert on my phone for 6 June 2024, our highly anticipated graduation ceremony. As the days ticked by, eagerness grew and, finally, the big day had arrived!

The momentous occasion at the Senior Police Officers’ Mess was attended by our close friends, families and the SPF Leadership Group.

Receiving my Ceremonial Sword of Honour from the Guest of Honour, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations) Lian Ghim Hua. PHOTO: SPF
Receiving my Ceremonial Sword of Honour from the Guest of Honour, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations) Lian Ghim Hua. PHOTO: SPF

Looking around the room, I felt immense pride as every one of us, as quoted from our squad Chairman’s speech, had “grown into our uniforms.” Prior to the course, I felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension. There were moments of ups and downs throughout the course, but now, at the end of it all, I deeply cherish this experience, which will be etched forever in my memory. Amidst these perpetual dualities, one common thread emerged – a sense of personal growth. In defeat and victory, I learned, adapted and matured. Reflecting on these nine months, I’m proud of the person I’ve become.

A proud moment for our squad as we graduate from the SOBC! PHOTO: Rose Maswida
A proud moment for our squad as we graduate from the SOBC! PHOTO: Rose Maswida

Journeying through the nine months wouldn’t have been possible without a strong support network. I’m thankful to my squadmates – my family in TRACOM – who kept me going through every challenge and kept our spirits high! I’m also grateful to the trainers for their invaluable guidance and support. Lastly, I’d like to thank my family and loved ones for their unwavering support and for helping me through the book-in blues!

Even as we’re deployed across various Land Divisions, we’ll always be united in our calling in keeping Singapore safe and secure. PHOTO: SPF
Even as we’re deployed across various Land Divisions, we’ll always be united in our calling in keeping Singapore safe and secure. PHOTO: SPF

As we all embark on our new roles at different Land Divisions, this isn’t a farewell but a “see you again.” I hope to reunite with my squad someday and reminisce about our time in Training Command. For now, I’m excited to join Central Police Division and contribute towards SPF’s mission to prevent, deter and detect crimes!

Learning to Lead
Read about ASP Liow’s training journey as a Senior Officer Trainee here: Learning to Lead: A New JourneyLearning to Lead: Train Hard, Play Hard and Learning to Lead: Stepping into Action.

Kickstart your SPF journey today and step up to a career that goes beyond! Visit our website to find out more. 

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