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  • I-Witness
Published 06 August 2024
4-min Read

Step in line with SPF Guard of Honour Contingent Commander, DSP Muhsin Bin Abdul Razak!

By: Alethea Lee

DSP Muhsin Bin Abdul Razak leads the SPF GOH Contingent at this year’s NDP. PHOTO: Naveen Raj
DSP Muhsin Bin Abdul Razak leads the SPF GOH Contingent at this year’s NDP. PHOTO: Naveen Raj

Under the blistering hot sun, the Guard of Honour (GOH) Contingents raise their rifles into the air and fire in salute. Against the backdrop of Marina Bay, the scene is set for a spectacular display of unity and strength – a testament to our nation’s unwavering spirit.

In just a few days, Singapore will celebrate its 59th birthday. This year’s National Day Parade (NDP) will showcase 35 marching contingents and over 2,100 participants. Among them is the Singapore Police Force (SPF) GOH Contingent, led by Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Muhsin Bin Abdul Razak.

DSP Muhsin served his National Service and joined the Force in 2012. PHOTO: Ryan Yeo Kee Hng
DSP Muhsin served his National Service and joined the Force in 2012. PHOTO: Ryan Yeo Kee Hng

Pursuing His Passion
DSP Muhsin’s journey with the SPF began in 2012. “Having served my National Service with the Special Operations Command (SOC) as a Police Tactical Unit trooper,” he explained, “I knew that I’d found my calling.”

DSP Muhsin has taken on various roles in his career, from an Investigation Officer at Central Police Division to a Team Leader at Tampines Neighbourhood Police Centre. He subsequently served as Deputy Officer Commanding and later Officer Commanding of the SOC’s Rapid Deployment Troop.

DSP Muhsin conducting a leadership training session for senior officer trainees; he has been a trainer at TRACOM since January 2022. PHOTO: Alethea Lee
DSP Muhsin conducting a leadership training session for senior officer trainees; he has been a trainer at TRACOM since January 2022. PHOTO: Alethea Lee

DSP Muhsin is currently a trainer at Training Command (TRACOM) where he helps ensure that senior officer trainees are equipped with the necessary skills. This year, he also takes on a new role as the Commander of the SPF GOH Contingent for the NDP.

Empowering Officers to Excel
The roles that DSP Muhsin has taken on in the SPF over the years have helped to hone his leadership skills. His leadership philosophy emphasises empowering his officers so that they can excel.

“A good leader must be present for his or her officers when it matters,” he affirmed. Drawing inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi, he believes that true leadership is measured by the number of new leaders that one can inspire, and not the number of followers one has.

As the GOH Contingent Commander, DSP Muhsin understands that success hinges on his officers’ collective performance. Amidst the scorching sun and hours of training, he checks on his officers regularly to make sure that they’re well. “Simple words of encouragement can help us perform at our best and also foster a cohesive team spirit and impeccable performance.” he explained.

DSP Muhsin and fellow officers are proud to represent the SPF on the national stage. PHOTO: Soh Ying Jie
DSP Muhsin and fellow officers are proud to represent the SPF on the national stage. PHOTO: Soh Ying Jie

Being the Commander of the SPF GOH Contingent holds a special significance for DSP Muhsin. “I feel very honoured to be given the chance to take on this role for the NDP,” he shared. “I’ve loved drills since my secondary school days in the National Cadet Corps, and it’s such an honour to be doing something you love on the national stage.”

DSP Muhsin marching with the GOH Contingent during a rehearsal at the Padang. Weekly NDP training sessions commenced in April. PHOTO: Soh Ying Jie
DSP Muhsin marching with the GOH Contingent during a rehearsal at the Padang. Weekly NDP training sessions commenced in April. PHOTO: Soh Ying Jie

Heart of the Matter
As anyone who has taken part in the NDP knows, rehearsals can be rigorous, especially when participants also have professional duties to complete. DSP Muhsin finds comfort and motivation in having a good support system – his wife and children.

DSP Muhsin with his wife and children on a holiday. PHOTO: DSP Muhsin
DSP Muhsin with his wife and children on a holiday. PHOTO: DSP Muhsin

“I’m very blessed that I have a supportive wife who holds the fort at home while I attend training and rehearsals over the weekend,” he shared. “She’s been my pillar of strength and I’m truly appreciative for her support. My eldest son has also been mimicking my marching, and he can’t wait to see me on TV on National Day!”

NDP preview: The SPF GOH Contingent performing a Feu de Joi, a French term for a formal, celebratory display of gunfire. PHOTO: Naveen Raj
NDP preview: The SPF GOH Contingent performing a Feu de Joi, a French term for a formal, celebratory display of gunfire. PHOTO: Naveen Raj

As the big day approaches, DSP Muhsin reflects on what being a GOH Contingent Commander means to him. “It’s a huge responsibility for all of us to uphold the SPF’s reputation,” he beamed. “I’ll perform my best and ensure that the highest standards are met.”

To his fellow officers taking part in the NDP this year, DSP Muhsin has a simple message: “Let’s give our best and all our hard work will come to fruition on 9 August!”

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