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The Police Psychological Services Department is the staff authority on psychological matters and serve as SPF’s dedicated psychology outfit tasked to develop cross-cutting psychological knowledge and capabilities into ensuring police organizational and operational excellence.
To use psychological principles to support officers, and to enhance the operational and organisational effectiveness of SPF using evidence-based practices.
PPSD’s main roles are:
Assessment Psychology- Provide psychological assessment tools anchored in police psychology and developed for assessment of police personnel within the policing context. Develop psychological techniques and tools for personnel selection, assessment and development. Develop assessments capabilities to allow for the harnessing of extant and emerging technologies into the development of assessment platforms within SPF.
Leadership Psychology- Develop Police specific and relevant leadership tools, initiatives and interventions to support effective police leadership at all levels and enhance the organizational and operational leadership as well as the ground command capabilities. Provide Police leadership measurement and feedback platforms that would enable effective leadership assessment, development and feedback to enhance the quality of police leaders at all levels within SPF.
Operations Psychology - Conductunitmeasurements and provide timely organizational and operational update on the psychological health of units. Develop instruments to provide timely operational sensing. Deploy psychological knowledge into police operations to ensure operational success and support investigations through providing psychological intelligence on human behavior and response to policing interventions.
Crime Psychology – Deploypsychological know-how to support law enforcement. Deploypsychological expertise to support and build up police competence in working effectively with victims of crime.
Resilience Psychology – Provide psychological interventions to police personnel and units to prevent psychological casualty whilst enhancing psychological strength and resilience. Develop psychological packages, interventions and instruments to prepare police personnel and units in their readiness to perform all levels of police operations.