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Under the Arms and Explosives Act 1913, “arms” includes:

(a)  Bayonets;

(b)  Swords;

(c)  Daggers;

(d)  Spears; and

(e)  Spearheads

Under the Guns, Explosives and Weapons Control Act 2021 (GEWCA), “weapon” means an object or a thing specified in the First Schedule and it includes:


1. An arbalest.

2. An arrow with any of the following points:

(a) a broadhead tip;

(b) a field arrow tip;

(c) a blunt arrow tip;

(d) a grabbing arrow tip;

(e) a fishing arrow tip.

3. A device (commonly called a crossbow) consisting of a bow fitted transversely on a stock that has a groove or barrel, designed to direct a dart, bolt or an arrow whether or not mentioned in item 2.

4. A crossbow designed for aiming and discharging an arrow (whether or not mentioned in item 2), a dart, bolt or similar projectile when held in one hand, commonly called a pistol crossbow.

5. A bow regardless of its draw weight, and includes a longbow.

6. A bayonet, being a thrusting, striking or cutting weapon designed to be attached to a gun.

7. A sword, being a thrusting, striking or cutting weapon with a long blade having one or 2 cutting edges and a hilt, and includes the martial arts weapon known as a “Butterfly Sword”, a machete, parang, bolo, kukri or hooked swords.

8. A sharp pointed stabbing instrument (other than a sword or bayonet) —

(a) having —

(i) a flat blade with cutting edges (whether serrated or not serrated) along the length

of both sides; or

(ii) a needle-like blade or spike, the cross section of which is elliptical or has 3 or

more sides;

(b) designed for hand to hand combat, such as —

(i) to be held between the fingers or the forefinger and thumb with the handle

supported by the palm of the hand and to inflict injury by a punching or pushing

movement, such as a push knife or push dagger;

(ii) to cause serious injury when thrown, such as a throwing knife; or

(iii) to be held in the closed fist with the fingers through the handle which serves as a knuckleduster, such as a trench knife; and

(c) ordinarily capable of being concealed on the person of an individual, and includes a diving knife, hunting knife, kris, karambit, kirpan or dirk.

9. A knife comprising a blade or spike and a handle, in respect of which —

(a) the handle is in 2 sections that fold so as to wholly or partially cover the blade or spike when the knife is not in use; and

(b) the blade or spike can be exposed by gravity or centrifugal force, and includes a butterfly knife, a “balisong” and a gravity knife.

10. A knife in respect of which —

(a) the blade is concealed when folded or recessed into the handle and springs or is released into the extended position by the operation of a button or other device on the handle; or

(b) the blade is wholly or partially concealed by a sheath that can be withdrawn into the handle of the knife by gravity, centrifugal force or by the operation of a button or other device, and includes a flick knife and a switchblade.

11. A knife, sometimes known as a wasp knife, which is capable of injecting a ball of compressed gas that freezes both human and animal tissues and organs surrounding the point of penetration or injection.

12. An article comprising a number of points, blades or spikes pointing outwardly from a central axis and capable of causing serious injury when thrown, such as throwing stars and shuriken.

13. A device or instrument (commonly called a knuckleduster) designed to be worn across the knuckles of a hand so as to —

(a) increase the force or impact of a punch or blow when striking another with the hand; or

(b) protect the knuckles from injury, and includes a weighted or studded glove, but not a boxing glove.

14. A spear, being a thrusting, throwing, striking or cutting weapon to be propelled by human power without the use of any device, and includes a halberd, glaive and a martial arts weapon called “Guandao” or “Yanyuedao”.

15. A spearhead for a spear described in item 14.

16. A scythe, or sickle-shaped article designed as a weapon, that —

(a) has a fixed or folding blade; and

(b) may or may not have a chain attached, and includes the martial arts weapon known as “Kama”.

17. An article consisting of a handle and an edged blade, joined by a chain or a combination of chain and metal pieces or steel rods, designed to be used as a whip, including the martial arts weapon commonly known as “Chinese whip”, “whip spear”, “7 piece iron chain”, “9 piece iron chain”, “Bian Tzu Chiang” or “Lien Tzu Chiang”.

18. An article consisting of a blade or blades with cord, rope or chain attached for the purpose of enabling the blade to be thrown and retrieved, including the martial arts weapon known as “Shoge”, “ninja Kyoketsu-Shoge” or “Kyoketsu Shoge”.

19. A “Sai” or “Jitte”, being a short, tapered, metal rod, dull at the point, with flared metal prongs guarding the handle.

20. An article that consists of 2 sticks, rods or batons joined by a cord, rope or chain, including the martial arts weapon known as “Nunchaku”.

21. An article consisting of a chain, rope or cord with a wooden or metal baton, stick or rod attached at each end, including the martial arts weapons known as “Kasari-Fundo”, “Kusari-Fundo” and “Manrikigusari”.

22. An axe, including a tomahawk, a “Ge”, a parashu or an “Ono”.


For more information on Licence Matters under the Arms and Explosives Regulatory Regime, please visit the following:


For overview of all matters concerning Gun, Explosive and Weapon Licences, please visit Overview of Gun, Explosive and Weapon Licence.

Types of Weapon Licence


Licence Name

Licensing Conditions

Criteria and Documents Required

Base Licence

Dealing in (Supply) Weapons (swords, spears, spearheads, bayonet & daggers)





Manufacturing of Weapons







Repair of Weapons 


Ad-hoc Licence

Import or Export Weapons







Licence Name


Base Licence

Dealing in (Supply) Weapons 

$405 for a period of not more than 2 years

Manufacturing of Weapons

$550 for a period of not more than 2 years

Repair of Weapons

$405 for a period of not more than 2 years

Ad-hoc Licence


Import or Export Weapons

$22 for a period of not more than 30 days / per consignment


Processing Time

About 3 weeks from the receipt of the application, processing fee and the necessary documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via email. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



To apply for the Licence, you will need to visit GoBusiness webpage, which will require you to sign in using your Individual SingPass or Company SingPass.

The process may take about 15-20 minutes to complete.






You can make the following amendments to your existing Weapons or Noxious Substance Licence:

  1. Add or Remove Weapons or Noxious Substance  licence types

  2. Change Quantities of Weapons or Noxious Substance 

  3. Change of Contact Person

  4. Change of Director

  5. Change Name or Address of Company/Business

  6. Change Contact Details of Company/Licensee

Documents Required

You are required to obtain the following documents before amending your existing Weapons or Noxious Substance licence.

Information to be amended

Documents Required

1) Add or Remove Weapons or Noxious Substance   licence types


  • Company letter stating the reason and justification to add or remove Weapons or Noxious Substance  licence type
  • Safety datasheets of new Noxious Substance type to be added

2) Change Quantities of Weapons or Noxious Substance 

  • Company letter stating the reason and justification to change quantities of Weapons or Noxious Substance  type

3) Change of Director

  • Company business profile from ACRA listing
4) Change Name or Address of Company/Business
  • Latest company business profile from ACRA
5)Change of Company Contact Person Details
  • No document is required



No fee is required.


Processing Time

About 2 weeks from the receipt of the submission and the necessary documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



To amend your licence , you will need to visit GoBusiness webpage, which will require you to sign in using your Individual SingPass or Company SingPass.

The process may take about 15-20 minutes to complete.



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