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Under the Arms and Explosives Act 1913, “explosive precursor” means:

1.    Ammonium nitrate, or any mixture of components one of which is ammonium nitrate, but not including —

(a)  aqueous solutions containing less than 60%, weight in weight, of ammonium nitrate; or

(b)  any material in solid form comprising a mixture of components, one of which is ammonium nitrate, where the nitrogen content derived from ammonium nitrate is less than 28% by weight of the said mixture.

2.    Ammonium perchlorate.

3.    Barium nitrate, not including preparations and solutions containing less than 10%, weight in weight, of barium nitrate.

4.    Guanidine nitrate.

5.    Hydrogen peroxide, not including preparations and solutions containing not more than 20%, weight in weight, of hydrogen peroxide.

6.    Potassium chlorate.

7.    Potassium nitrate, not including preparations and solutions containing less than 5%, weight in weight, of potassium nitrate or a combination of both potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate.

8.    Potassium nitrite, not including aqueous solutions containing less than 5%, weight in weight, of potassium nitrite.

9.    Potassium perchlorate.

10. Sodium chlorate.

11. Sodium nitrate, not including preparations and solutions containing less than 5%, weight in weight, of sodium nitrate or a combination of both sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate.

12. Sodium nitrite, not including aqueous solutions containing less than 5%, weight in weight, of sodium nitrite.

13. Sodium perchlorate.

14. Perchloric acid.

15. Tetranitromethane.


The list of Explosive Precursors will remain unchanged under the Guns, Explosives and Weapons Control Act 2021



For more information on Licence Matters under the Arms and Explosives Regulatory Regime, please visit the following:


For overview of all matters concerning Gun, Explosive and Weapon Licences, please visit Overview of Gun, Explosive and Weapon Licence.


Types of Explosives Precursors Licence


Licence Name

Licensing Conditions

Criteria and Documents Required

Base Licence

Possession or Control of Explosive Precursors

Click here

Click here


(Supply) Dealing in Explosives Precursors

Click here

Manufacturing of Explosives Precursors

Click here

Storage of Explosives Precursors

Click here

Ad-hoc Licence

Importation, Exportation or Purchase of Explosive Precursors

Click here

Click here

 Transportation of Bulk Explosive Precursors   Click here


Storage Guidelines

Safety and security guidelines for storage Click Here





Licence Name


Base Licence

Possession or Control of Explosive Precursors

$44 for a period of not more than 2 years

Dealing in Explosive Precursors

$285 for a period of not more than 2 years

Manufacturing of Explosive Precursors

$140 for a period of not more than 2 years

Storage of Explosive Precursors

$130 for a period of not more than 2 years

Replacement of Explosive Precursors Licence

$11 per replacement

Ad-hoc Licence

Importation, Exportation or Purchase of Explosive Precursors

$22 for a period of not more than 30 days / per consignment


Processing Time

About 3 weeks from the receipt of the application, processing fee and the necessary documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



To apply for the Licence, you will need to visit GoBusiness webpage, which will require you to sign in using your Individual SingPass or Company SingPass.

The process may take about 15-20 minutes to complete.



You can make the following amendments to your existing Explosives Precursors licence:

  1. Add or Remove Explosive Precursors licence types

  2. Change Quantities of Explosive Precursors

  3. Change of Contact Person

  4. Change of Director

  5. Change Name or Address of Company/Business

  6. Change Contact Details of Company/Licensee

Documents Required

You are required to obtain the following documents before amending your existing Explosives Precursors licence.

Information to be amended

Documents Required

1) Add or Remove Explosive Precursors licence types


  • Company letter stating the reason and justification to add or remove Explosive Precursors licence type
  • Safety datasheets of new Explosive Precursors type to be added

2) Change Quantities of Explosive Precursors

  • Company letter stating the reason and justification to change quantities of Explosive Precursors type

3)  Change of Director

  • Company business profile from ACRA listing 
4) Change Name or Address of Company/Business
  • Latest company business profile from ACRA
5) Change of Company Contact Person Details 
  • No document is required



No fee is required.


Processing Time

About 2 weeks from the receipt of the submission and the necessary documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.




To amend your licence , you will need to visit GoBusiness webpage, which will require you to sign in using your Individual SingPass or Company SingPass.

The process may take about 15-20 minutes to complete.



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