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  • I-Witness
Published 11 May 2023
3-min Read

Sgt Syed Ahmad Awaluddin shares how he transformed his physique during his time in the Force!

By: Nur Ihshana Shaheen Binte Babajahn

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PHOTOS: Soh Ying Jie

Sergeant (Sgt) Syed Ahmad Awaluddin struggled with obesity as a student. But he mustered courage and discipline in his daily routine to effect a full-body transformation! Police Life finds out how he achieved his healthy lifestyle.

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Sgt Syed transformed his physique in the span of two years.

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Syed Ahmad Awaluddin and I’m 22-years-old. As an officer with the Public Transport Security Command (TransCom), I help to safeguard our public land transport system.

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Sgt Syed before and after beginning his fitness journey.

What got you into fitness?

I’ve always strived for self-improvement and will often go out of my way to achieve my goals. In 2022, my weight was about 98kg, and I was placed in the PES-B Pending group. This was a wake-up call for me, and I decided that a change was necessary.

What kind of workout do you do?

Most of my workout routine comprises strength training and conditioning exercises, which allow me to shape my body the way I want. I do various workouts for my chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, back and legs.

How frequently do you work out?

I work out at least five days a week. As a TransCom officer, I’m deployed for both morning and afternoon shifts. When on morning shifts, I end my duty at about 2pm. When on afternoon shifts, I end my duty at about 10pm. Whichever shift I do, I’ll work out afterwards for about three hours before heading home.

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Sgt Syed works out at least five days a week without fail.

Having a fixed routine is vital as it aids in consistency. If you want to see improvements in your fitness, you need to be consistent and disciplined.

What changes did you observe from working out?

I lost weight and felt much better about myself. I’ve also become more energetic and am able to focus better which helps when I’m handling cases on the ground during my shifts.

What challenges did you face in your fitness journey?

One challenge was the temptation to go back to my old eating habits. There were days when I couldn’t resist junk food, but I learnt to use my willpower and determination to stop myself from over-indulging. I had a goal in mind and if I kept having cheat-days, I knew I’d never achieve it.

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Sgt Syed focuses on strength training exercises as part of his fitness routine.

Who’s your workout buddy?

At first, I worked out alone. As my progress became more apparent, my friends asked me tips regarding nutrition and exercise. They eventually join me for workout sessions regularly and we motivate each other to stay fit. It’s a joy to work out with someone else.

What advice do you have for fellow officers who’re looking to start their fitness journey?

Try to adopt a winning mentality and work towards your goals diligently. Keep reminders around you – on your phone, in your room – or even get your friends and family to nudge you. Foster consistency in your routine. It's normal to encounter setbacks. One bad day doesn't ruin a year’s worth of hard work and dedication, so keep your head high and keep striving!

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